Planetary Society Blog
The Planetary Society is the largest and most effective nonprofit organization that promotes the exploration of space through education, advocacy, and innovative projects. Its mission is to empower the world's citizens to advance space science and exploration.
Planetary Society Blog
2d ago
Space gets lovey-dovey this week with heart-shaped features, kisses blown on the solar wind, and reasons you should fall for fungi ..read more
Planetary Society Blog
2d ago
A NASA-funded project is exploring the possibility of using mycelium — the root-like structure in fungi — to grow habitats on the Moon or Mars ..read more
Planetary Society Blog
1w ago
Some impacts are violent and powerful. Others are more like a kiss ..read more
Planetary Society Blog
1w ago
Two planetary scientists share their story of meeting with members of Congress to speak up for the VIPER lunar mission ..read more
Planetary Society Blog
2w ago
From galaxies to stamps to asteroid samples, some collections never go out of style ..read more
Planetary Society Blog
2w ago
Experts weigh in about the recently discovered near-Earth asteroid 2024 YR4 that has about a 1% chance of impacting Earth on Dec. 22, 2032 ..read more
Planetary Society Blog
2w ago
Since 1980, The Planetary Society has been active in over 20 space exploration missions, from leading public outreach efforts to funding the development of instruments ..read more
Planetary Society Blog
3w ago
The Moon occults Mars, Gaia is done seeing stars, and The Planetary Society shares a vision for the next four years of space policy ..read more
Planetary Society Blog
1M ago
The Trump Administration will inherit NASA at a crossroads. The Planetary Society recommends an unwavering commitment to exploration, science, and the unique contributions of the nation's public space program ..read more