Script kiddies, bad actors, and imbeciles…Say Hi to the recent hackers…
by Rich Fleetwood
2y ago
Why are WE a target, from all over the planet? Yes, SurivalRing has been rebooted from scratch. And no, not a single thing was lost. But why would thousands of morons from around the world want to try to stop me from doing what I’ve been doing for 25 years now? Is it because of more
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The Dan Smoot Report, 1966: “A Constitutional Republic…”
by Rich Fleetwood
2y ago
A Constitutional Republic, Not a Democracy…are we… “The ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty. In this century, great strides have been made toward the goal of subverting our republic, and transforming it into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is subversion of “language” — by calling America a democracy, until people more
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SouthernPrepper1, and today’s report…and some updates on natural disasters…in ancient history.
by Rich Fleetwood
2y ago
We all know that our current world paradigm is going to hell in a handbasket, and tens of thousands (if not millions) of talking heads on Youtube, Vimeo, and the rest of the video sites provide a platform to certain …uhm… neophytes, or better yet, acolytes, that see a personal religious requirement to yell from more
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The Dan Smoot Report, 1966: “A Constitutional Republic…”
by Rich Fleetwood
2y ago
A Constitutional Republic, Not a Democracy… “The ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty. In this century, great strides have been made toward the goal of subverting our republic, and transforming it into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is subversion of “language” — by calling America a democracy, until people thoughtlessly more
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SouthernPrepper1, and today’s report…
by Rich Fleetwood
2y ago
In this current reality of frenetic, sensationalist daily video updates, there are precious few I’ll take the time to view. Southern Prepper 1 (Dave) is one of those. He records daily, off the cuff balanced information, both his own analysis, and emails sent to him from around the country. Back around twenty years ago, I more
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The top 5 essentials for an all around survival kit…
by Rich Fleetwood
4y ago
The top 5 essentials for an all around survival kit… This is pretty easy. Any good survival kit will have two or three dozen items, most of which will work for a core kit, while the other items for a particular kit may be seasonal, specialized for specific outings, or adjustable for any of a more
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Notes from the Bunker….Winter 2019… Missing in Action
by Rich Fleetwood
4y ago
Hello Again, my old friends…”still alive!…” Time to do a little catching up, with this old guy. The last thing we were discussing was the recent dealings with my orthopedist, with more x-rays, physical therapy, MRIs, and kicking my care up a notch to a neurologist. These guys work on spines, vertebrae, and actual nerves more
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Remembrance…this Patriots Day…
by Rich Fleetwood
4y ago
On this day of days, with the entire world remembering what happened, exactly 18 years ago, in New York, DC, and Pennsylvania, I’m sure most of you recall your feelings and sadness of that day. I didn’t lose anyone personally, but I did have many friends who were responders and helped in the recovery process more
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The top 5 essentials for an all around survival kit…
by Rich Fleetwood
4y ago
The top 5 essentials for an all around survival kit… This is pretty easy. Any good survival kit will have two or three dozen items, most of which will work for a core kit, while the other items for a particular kit may be seasonal, specialized for specific outings, or adjustable for any of a more
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Notes from the Bunker….Winter 2019… Missing in Action
by Rich Fleetwood
5y ago
Hello Again, my old friends…”still alive!…” Time to do a little catching up, with this old guy. The last thing we were discussing was the recent dealings with my orthopedist, with more x-rays, physical therapy, MRIs, and kicking my care up a notch to a neurologist. These guys work on spines, vertebrae, and actual nerves more
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