Happy Catholic
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Happy Catholic
2d ago
In truth there are only two kinds of people, those who accept dogmas and know it and those who accept dogmas and don't know it.
G.K. Chesterton
Ain't that the truth ..read more
Happy Catholic
2d ago
Which used to be a day for George Washington and a day for Abraham Lincoln.
Washington-Franklin Issues
of 1908 - 1923, 5c
via Wikipedia
Abraham Lincoln
Issue of 1866
Also via Wikipedia ..read more
Happy Catholic
6d ago
Gustav Dore, A Sister of Charity rescuing a child during the Seige of Paris.
It seems that Dore based this on an incident he himself witnessed as a member of the National Guard ..read more
Happy Catholic
6d ago
A man may be profoundly gifted, have a strong consciousness of self, undergo deep natural-religious experiences — until he has more than these, compared to the inwardness under discussion, he remains superficial. On the other hand, the man of strictly commpnplace natural gifts has that "dimension" in him when he believes in the God of revelation and loves Him. The point is such that interiority is not psychologically deeper, or spiritually nobler, but essentially different from any natural interiority; it is a gift of grace from the Spirit.
Romano Guardini, The Conversion of Augustine
So true ..read more
Happy Catholic
1w ago
I first published this in 2009 but was thinking about Mother Alphonsa (aka Rose Hawthorne) and was pleased to find this in my archives. I've updated it to include an insight into the Hawthorne family's attitude toward Catholicism — which speaks to Mother Alphonsa's openness to the faith.
I am continually surprised at the way people and events are connected both in the big wide world and in my personal experience. My own Rose has a passion for Nathaniel Hawthorne's writing which, combined with her and Hannah's love of The Scarlet Letter, made me pick up and read that book which high school Eng ..read more
Happy Catholic
1w ago
Girl with a cat by Jeanna Bauck, via J.R.'s Art Place
Any bets on whether she's just pulled that blanket off of the cat or is getting ready to throw it on the cat ..read more
Happy Catholic
1w ago
We discuss that modern classic, Parenthood, in episode 349 of A Good Story is Hard to Find. Join us ..read more
Happy Catholic
1w ago
Is not remembering precisely the retaiing of corporeal things in an incorporeal manner?
Romano Guardini, The Conversion of Augustine
Um — hey, it is! So simple but so deep also ..read more
Happy Catholic
1w ago
Scene from Act III of Lohengrin, Heinrich Lefler
No particular reason except it is beautiful ..read more