Unlocking the Power of Blogging in Educational Marketing
Higher Education Marketing
by Diana Salazar
7h ago
Reading Time: 9 minutes In today’s digital age, schools must leverage every tool at their disposal to enhance communication, attract prospective students, and establish authority. One of the most effective yet often underutilized tools is blogging. As social media marketing has gained traction in recent years, many educational institutions wonder whether blogging is still a viable way to improve... Read More The post Unlocking the Power of Blogging in Educational Marketing appeared first on Higher Education Marketing ..read more
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Mastering University Alumni Email Marketing Strategies
Higher Education Marketing
by Diana Salazar
1w ago
Reading Time: 7 minutes In higher education, the power of a strong alumni network cannot be understated. These graduates are more than just former students; they are the living legacy of the university, ambassadors of its academic excellence, and pivotal links to the external community. Through effective alumni engagement, institutions unlock a treasure trove of benefits–from bolstering their reputation through alumni success stories to tapping into a network that can significantly enhance student recruitment and financial support. In the digital age, where communication is predominantly scree ..read more
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The Ultimate Guide to WeChat Ads: Key Strategies & Practices
Higher Education Marketing
by HEM_dsalazar
2w ago
Reading Time: 11 minutes As an educational marketer, reaching the right audience is crucial, especially if you need to attract international students and parents. One platform that has proven incredibly powerful for this purpose is WeChat. As China’s most popular social media app, WeChat boasts over a billion monthly active users, offering unparalleled access to Chinese-speaking audiences worldwide. WeChat’s popularity is quickly spreading across the globe with 10 million users in India, and 4 million in the United States. For educational marketers, WeChat is an essential tool for engagement a ..read more
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Baidu SEO Guide: 4 Best Practices in the Chinese Market for International Recruitment
Higher Education Marketing
by HEM_dsalazar
3w ago
Reading Time: 11 minutes What search engine does China use? As an educational institution trying to reach the Chinese market, the answer to this question is vital to your marketing strategy. In the realm of search engines, Baidu reigns supreme in China, commanding over 70% of the market share. For educational institutions looking to recruit international students from China, understanding and leveraging Baidu’s unique SEO landscape is essential. While Google dominates globally, Baidu’s distinct algorithm and user preferences require a tailored approach to achieve optimal search visibility. The ..read more
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Decoding Gen Z: Mastering Education Marketing for the Digital Natives
Higher Education Marketing
by HEM_dsalazar
1M ago
Reading Time: 6 minutes Gen Z, born between 1997 and 2012, is a generation that has grown up in a world intertwined with technology, diversity, and environmental issues with a particular focus on financial security and job stability. How is Gen Z different from other generations? Gen-Z are digital natives who’ve grown up during the dawn of the internet. This has afforded them a unique comfort level in online spaces where they gather information about the outside world and make decisions according to the data they collect. “They’re very mindful of how they live and how they make their decisions ..read more
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How to Increase Student Enrollment: 5 Proven Education Marketing Strategies
Higher Education Marketing
by HEM_dsalazar
1M ago
Reading Time: 11 minutes As an educational institution looking to thrive and grow, increasing student enrollment is likely a top priority. Why is student enrollment important? The significance of robust enrollment numbers extends beyond filling seats as it impacts the institution’s financial health, reputation, and ability to offer diverse and dynamic programs. To stay ahead, educational institutions must continuously innovate and implement strategies that appeal to students evolving needs and preferences. This blog aims to provide actionable insights into five key strategies to help increase ..read more
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Mastering FAB in Education Marketing: Transforming Features Into Student Success Stories
Higher Education Marketing
by HEM_dsalazar
1M ago
Reading Time: 10 minutes As a modern educational institution, standing out requires a strategic approach. Are you wondering how you can craft a set of marketing messages that truly resonates with prospective students and their families? Fortunately, we have plenty of helpful insights to share. Today, we’re diving into mastering the FAB (Features, Advantages, and Benefits) marketing technique through compelling success stories. Our fifteen years of educational marketing experience affords us a profound understanding of diverse audiences in the academic sector and how to connect with them effect ..read more
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Mastering the Art of Enrollment: Designing a High-Converting Admissions Funnel From Prospect to Student
Higher Education Marketing
by HEM_dsalazar
1M ago
Reading Time: 10 minutes The journey from prospective student to enrolled pupil is anything but linear. It involves carefully planned interactions that balance communication, engagement, and persuasion guiding prospects through the decision-making process. At the heart of this journey is the admissions funnel—a powerful tool that, when optimized, can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your enrollment strategies. For educational institutions, mastering the art of enrollment is not merely about filling seats; it’s about creating a vibrant community of engaged and committed learners. This ..read more
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Future-Proofing SEO for Universities and Colleges
Higher Education Marketing
by HEM_dsalazar
2M ago
Reading Time: 11 minutes Search engine optimization (SEO) has become an indispensable tool for universities and colleges looking to enhance their online presence and attract prospective students. What is SEO in education? In the context of educational marketing, SEO refers to optimizing a school, university, or educational institution’s online content so that it is more likely to appear in search engine results when potential students or parents search for relevant educational programs, courses, or information. Why is SEO important for colleges? SEO strategies can be crucial in helping educati ..read more
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7 Reasons Your School Facebook Posts Aren’t Getting Likes
Higher Education Marketing
by HEM_dsalazar
2M ago
Reading Time: 11 minutes Over the years, social media platforms like Facebook have become indispensable marketing tools for schools looking to connect with students, parents, and the wider community. They offer a unique opportunity to share news, celebrate achievements, and foster a sense of belonging among all stakeholders. However, crafting engaging content that resonates with your audience can be challenging. If you’ve noticed a decline in likes and engagement on your school’s Facebook posts, you’re not alone. Many educational institutions face similar struggles in capturing the attention o ..read more
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