Breakfast of the Healthy: Coffee... or a Purple-Orange Carrot Smoothie? Chlorogenic Acid in Coffee and Beyond
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone
by Adel Moussa
4y ago
Don't worry you can stick to coffee Good news has become scarce in 2020, it feels. So, let's appreciate the ones we have: A coffee shortage is not in sight. Reason enough for me to write another "latest coffee research"-article. One that turned out to be a chlorogenic acid (#CGA) article because ...  well, it's still 2020, so scientists drink coffee to speed up their warp-speed operations and don't spend time investigating the effects of the stimulant the world is craving (Think you're drinking a lot of coffee? Are you a Fin?). You can learn more about coffee and caffe more
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Fish Oil for Athletes? Fish for Everyone? Not for Ergogenic Benefits | Summary of Latest Metas + Umbrella Review
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone
by Adel Moussa
4y ago
An illustrated synthesis of the most recent evidence. There are two fishy articles in the latest issue of Advances in Nutrition, two articles worth taking a closer look at, as I've found. Paper 1 and probably the more SuppVersity-ish paper comes from the University of Bath and is, as the authors themselves highlight, the first systematic review of fish oil supplements (#FS) in athletes that has ever been conducted in the 25-years+ history of fish oil supplements ? (the "fish-eating" umbrella review is addressed in the infobox). You can learn more about omega-3 & co. at the S more
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Coffee Research 10/2020: Coffee's Origin Affects Glucose Effects | Coffee, Tea & Cancer - Similar but Different + More
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone
by Adel Moussa
4y ago
Why are the captions in the thumbs back? Facebook won't allow replacing the preview picture of links easily. Don't worry, not all news in 2020 is bad news... unfortunately, though, there's some 'bad coffee news' out there, too. In the following overview, I am going to cover a bunch of interesting studies - good and bad news, just as you'd see them in the ever-more non-scientific apocalypse that we live in. Enough said, here's what I've found being published from late September to early October 2020: You can learn more about coffee and caffeine at the SuppVersity For Caffeine, T more
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Probiotic Hair Care - Where is it, When You Need it? #SV Reviewing the Research that Could Bring Your Hair Back
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone
by Adel Moussa
4y ago
The idea of probiotic shampoos has been thrown around for quite some time, now. Gonna get rid of the text-containing thumbs, btw. I've recently got a request by a SuppVersity reader suggesting I write something about #hairloss... well, I thought: "I've addressed all there is in the two older articles on hair loss," and a cursory search of the latest literature seemed to confirm just that. It (or the absence of corresponding research) did yet also trigger my interest in the role of the microbiome in hair loss, hair maintenance, and hair regrowth... and I am not referring to expensive more
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Washing Down 6g/d of Beta-Alanine not Enough to Saturate Muscle Carnosine? Beta-Alanine Research Update 07/2020
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone
by Adel Moussa
4y ago
No, we still don't know for sure where the 'tingles' are coming from but we do know that they are not a sign of muscle carnosine saturation. If you've been a faithful SuppVersity reader for the last almost 10 years, you will have noticed that my initial excitement about beta-alanine (#BA) has been fading ever since the classic meta-analysis by Hobson et el. was published in 2012. Yes, there were small benefits (2%) but only in the high(er) intensity 'long sprint' exercises... after having read the latest meta-analysis by Rezende et al. (2020), I am asking myself if this rather mediocr more
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Alkalizing Accelerates Fat Loss: Multimineral Supplement Boosts Fat Loss & Performance in Intermittent Fasters
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone
by Adel Moussa
4y ago
Works, ... whether that's solely due to pH modulation is not clear. Let's get this straight, right away. While the authors ascribe the body weight and performance benefits they observed in their latest study solely to the pH modulating effects of their multimineral supplement, it's by no means clear that the minerals themselves do not at least contribute the effect. But before we get into the nitty-gritty of the discussion, let's first see how the mixed-sex population in the study at hand boosted their weight loss and training efforts ... The RCT was conducted by German scientists fr more
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Scientists Find Whey to Significantly Boost D3 Absorption: Whey Isolate +50%, Casein(ate!) +25% Vitamin D3 Levels
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone
by Adel Moussa
4y ago
It's worth peeling the protective layer scientists use to cover up potential methodological holes in practical relevance.  Studies usually make it to the SuppVersity news if they are educative, informative, or practically relevant. In the case of the latest paper by Emilie Lindahl et al. (2020), one could - at a surface level - argue that all three criteria apply. But hey, this is the SuppVersity so we're going unpeel the surface and look for cancerous growth in the methodology section ?... Learn more about vitamin D at the SuppVersity How Much Vitamin D Shall Y more
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In Triathletes, Marathoners & Co! Potato Purée Can Replace Conventional Carbohydrate Gels W/Out Performance Loss!
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone
by Adel Moussa
5y ago
The gastrointestinal issues may have been a problem for a few of the testers, but some clever "natural workout nutrition" company is certainly going to eliminate this minor obstacle very soon... and who knows: maybe they make the product more potent by adding whey, resistant starches, bicarbonate, or other potentially performance-enhancing ingredients on the way.It's 2019 and everyone has been infected by the "sugar is the devil" and "carbohydrates are not essential" viruses. Everyone? No, there's a small group of loyal sugar-guzzlers who keep Gatorade & Co in business (for a good reason more
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'Training Low[Carb]' Requires 0.12g/kg Extra-Protein | Fitbit Fitness Data Decently Reliable | Plus: Salt vs. Passin' Out
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone
by Adel Moussa
5y ago
Mixed news about nutrition, exercise, and supplementation.In the absence of game-changing nutrition, exercise, and supplementation science I decided to post one of the recently rare installments of the good old "on short notice" column at the SuppVersity. This installment of the "short news" features two plus one papers from the latest issue of "Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise" and their, as of yet, unpublished "ahead of print" articles. While we'll start with a short discussion of the latest investigation into the accuracy (or rather usefulness) of your (old) Fitbit Charge 2 more
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Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Works in Broad Cuff Pressure Range: Lower (40%) & Higher (80% AOP) Similarly Effective
SuppVersity - Nutrition and Exercise Science for Everyone
by Adel Moussa
5y ago
"Go super tight or go home"? Nope, we're not talking 'bout NC-17 rated websites... this provocatively phrased statement about how to wear your #BFR cuffs at the gym is probably as faulty as the notion that you can judge the effectivity of a workout by how much it hurts.Based on personal observation I can say with certainty that #BFR, i.e. Blood Flow Restriction during resistance training is becoming mainstream. Even in German mainstream gyms you'll see guys many of you would probably ask "do you even lift" if you met them outside of the gym cuffing themselves up to the point where their arms a more
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