FilmmakerIQ.com is a community of filmmakers from all around the world, and all areas of the industry. Find tips to help you build your Filmmaking I.Q. with our collection of videos, articles, expert blogs, forums and more.
1y ago
Hollyland sent over their Lark Max for me to review! It’s a great little two transmitter wireless package that I’ve found a whole lot of different uses for. If you’re in the market for a wireless microphone use my affiliate link below to pick up your own Hollyland Lark Max: https://amzn.to/49Z2gPq Hollyland Lavs (pair) https://amzn.to/4a1r2OP Here’s my patreon if you’d like to support the channel! / filmmakeriq   ..read more
1y ago
Let’s dive into how to approach multicamera event shoots as a solo shooter or as a small team ..read more
2y ago
Everyone always talks about being normal but no one defines it. You might be thinking it’s the focal length equal to the diagonal of the image but it’s a bit more subjective than that. Let’s dive into the real definition of what it means to be a Normal Lens. Filmmaker IQ Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/FilmmakerIQ ..read more
2y ago
I thought maybe this time Damien Chazelle would deliver something I could love. Then an elephant took a shit on the camera lens. And that’s just the first two minutes ..read more
3y ago
From Zanuck to Cinemascope, Cleopatra to Century City, Repurt Murdoch to Mickey Mouse – this is the story of one of the most enduring Hollywood Studios around: 20th Century Fox ..read more
3y ago
They say recording 32 bit floating point is a game changer – but that’s only if you didn’t know how to play the game in the first place. I’m not saying it’s not cool but your old 24 bit recorder is plenty capable and I’ll show you how.
*** Error – I said 2^32 is 4 trillion – it’s 4 billion. But the numbers on screen are fine.
*** I got power and amplitude mixed up. 3dB is double the power – 6dB is double the amplitude (which is 4x the power). But 10dB is 10x the power and 20dB is 100x the power.
*** When I said 32 bit float has 340 undecillion possible values – that’s not correct – it has a RA ..read more
3y ago
Honestly, I don’t actually answer the question in the video. I give some reasons why some engineers say it’s 60 kHz – but that’s about it. What I do cover is Aliasing spurred on by a very interesting question about being the hear the difference between Sine Waves and Square Waves. Sorry for all the “click-baity” title but there isn’t a way to present this nerdy topic in a traditional way. Here’s the 7kHz demo I promised:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IoLJkzA_z6GxMoLaPVDMzt3shEtBFldG/view?usp=sharing ..read more