2022 Books Read
Catholic Wife and Mother
by Cmerie
1y ago
 I've finally updated my Goodreads account, so you are welcome to find me there, too. Compared to other years, this was a fairly light year for reading for me.  I kept up with my Well Read Mom book club.  I did read aloud a couple of books to my kids.  I finished the Wingfeather Saga, at the request of my daughter.  I was glad I did.  After getting past the silliness of the first book, I was able to really enjoy the rest of the series.  I read a couple of the early books from my high schoolers Socratic book club.  And I read a couple of books I really ..read more
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Why I Started Using Essential Oils...Allergies
Catholic Wife and Mother
by Cmerie
2y ago
One of my children has severe allergies. From the time this child was small, they had red rings around their eyes and were constantly drippy.  I didn't understand why, until a pediatrician suggested allergies.  So, from a very small age, we would do what we could with medicines to try to make them feel better.  The medicines would only take the edge off, and instead of making them sleepy, it made them anxious.  After several years of this, we finally went to an allergist who did a skin test.  He recommended more medicines and that was that.  These medicines again ..read more
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Where Do I Put All The Books?!
Catholic Wife and Mother
by Cmerie
3y ago
I've been asked several times about how I arrange all of our books.  We have A LOT of books.  Several years ago, I collapsed on the floor of our school room (at that time we had space for one, alas no longer) because I couldn't find a book I needed right then, the baby had pulled a couple of shelves of books onto the floor, and it had otherwise been a rough day.  I knew at that point I needed a system. (Note that I took these pictures in real time.  I did not clean up things for you, or in anyway make them look pretty.  It was either a less than perfect blog post or n ..read more
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Homeschool Book Stacks 2020-2021
Catholic Wife and Mother
by Cmerie
3y ago
 For reference, this year my kids completed 8th, 6th, 4th, and 2nd grade, along with a preschooler and a toddler.  This has been a year of so many challenges and I'm so proud of my kids for all of the hard work that they've put in.  And just look at these book stacks! (Click on the pictures to get a more detailed look at the books they've read this year.) In addition to these book stacks, they've each worked on their timeline books, history narration books, geography narration books, and religion/bible narration books. We've also done a fair amount of read alouds ..read more
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Holy Week and Easter
Catholic Wife and Mother
by Cmerie
3y ago
 We had a lovely Holy Week and Easter this year.  After last year, I am so grateful to belong to the parish we do and that we had the opportunity to spend so much time there this past week, especially when so many across the country (and world!) have been unable to. We spent the first part of the week deep cleaning the home and purging those things we do not need.  I also did the dreaded big clothing swap for all of us and made lists of clothing that must be purchased.  I reminded the kids to make lots of sacrifices to fill up the bean jar (they did a good job!).  &nbs ..read more
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Books Read in 2019
Catholic Wife and Mother
by Cmerie
3y ago
 After posting my Book Read in 2020 post, I realized I never did a Books Read in 2019. January The Reed of God by Caryll Houselander** February Hard Time by Charles Dickens** April The Great Divorce by CS Lewis (Re-read)** May Made for This: The Catholic Mom's Guide to Birth by Mary Haseltine July The Dean's Watch by Elizabeth Goudge The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare August Lion in the Gateway by Mary Renault Big John's Secret by Eleanore M Jewett (Family Read Aloud) Saint Louis de Montfort by Mary Fabyan Windeatt September Wit by Margaret Edson** Rain, Hail, Sleet, and Snow by Na ..read more
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Books Read in 2020
Catholic Wife and Mother
by Cmerie
3y ago
 Ah, 2020.  At least I can say I read a lot this past year. January Joy to the World by Scott Hahn The saints have called this the "marvelous exchange".  God assumed our human nature in order to give us his divine nature (see 2 Peter 1:4). - From p. 151 February John* Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hueston** They sat in company with the others in other shanties, their eyes straining against crude walls and their souls asking if He meant to measure their puny might against His.  They seemed to be staring at the dark, but their eyes were watching God. - Fro ..read more
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Catholic Wife and Mother
by Cmerie
3y ago
There's a hashtag floating around the inter-webs lately that I had to jump on the bandwagon.  #teammakeyourbed Some days are hard. The weight of the world seems to push me down flat and it can be hard for me to put one foot in front of the other.  The very idea of my to-do list that is miles long is daunting.  Homeschooling, housekeeping, errands, taxi driver...it can seem like too much.  Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about any of it.  I am extremely blessed to even have the option to stay home and care for my family.  It is my vocation and I take i ..read more
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When The Boys Are Camping...
Catholic Wife and Mother
by Cmerie
4y ago
 ...the girls have a tea party! With my Great Grandma's china tea set of course ..read more
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Putting It All Together - Part 2
Catholic Wife and Mother
by Cmerie
4y ago
 I have hesitated writing this final post in my homeschool series for several reasons.  First, everyone thinks and therefore plans differently.  So how I do it may not really work for you.  You really have to figure out how you think and how your family functions, as well as play with things until it all works for you.  Second (but probably the biggest reason), is that this school year has not gone as planned for us so far.  And so I feel a little preachy showing you how we do it, and really what we are doing now is a bit different. But!  That's part of what ..read more
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