187. How strenuous exercise can ruin sleep and what to do instead
The Sleep Detective podcast: what causes insomnia and how to fix it
by Martha Lewis
1d ago
Crossfit, training for a half marathon and hot yoga could be ruining your sleep instead of helping it! In this episode, I explain: what strenuous exercise does to your body and how it affects sleep how we can get addicted to exercise what happens when you get to the point where you can’t tolerate exercise how to exercise to support sleep instead of sabotaging it In case you love your workouts and this is triggering you, I want to add that this isn’t forever so keep listening. Once you’re sleeping well again, you can get back to harder training.  If you love exercise and want to ..read more
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186. Why your supplements aren’t working for sleep, energy, focus, digestion, etc. (and what will)
The Sleep Detective podcast: what causes insomnia and how to fix it
by Martha Lewis
5d ago
You want to feel your best and optimize your health and fix an immediate problem quickly, so you’re taking all these supplements to try to solve the problem. Or you’ve been to a few different practitioners who all recommended different things so you’re taking everything. If you're taking a supplement for every issue (energy, sleep, focus, weight loss, relaxation, digestion, etc.), the reason they aren't working is because your body is out of balance, even though you're doing everything you can to be healthy! In this episode, you'll learn what you need to do instead to sleep well, have energy ..read more
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185. 3 simple steps to change your thoughts about sleep so you can sleep well
The Sleep Detective podcast: what causes insomnia and how to fix it
by Martha Lewis
1w ago
If you want to sleep well consistently, you need to change your thoughts about sleep. It’s not just about fixing the imbalances in your body. If you’re worried about sleep and thinking it’s not fair and asking yourself what’s wrong with you, your mind is also going to sabotage your sleep. In this episode I give you a tool that I give all of my clients. It involves 3 simple steps to change your thoughts to change your sleep. And I’ll explain why your brain likes to focus on the negative and the surprising fact that you’re probably getting more sleep than you think you are.  This is a repla ..read more
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184. How lose your belly fat in 30 days
The Sleep Detective podcast: what causes insomnia and how to fix it
by Martha Lewis
1w ago
Do you want to lose your belly fat or the last 10 lbs without hours in the gym or calorie counting or restrictive diets? In this episode, you’re going to learn what’s really keeping you from losing your belly fat even if you’re exercising and eating right and it doesn’t make sense why you can’t lose weight. I’ve helped over 200 clients find the root causes of their health issues so they can restore their health and sleep well, and they end up easily losing weight without even trying.   If you want to be fit and healthy, to feel confident in a bathing suit, to stop wearing clothes, to hide ..read more
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183. The 5 most common hidden health issues affecting your sleep and longevity
The Sleep Detective podcast: what causes insomnia and how to fix it
by Martha Lewis
2w ago
You’ve been lied to—fixing your sleep isn’t just about a dark room and no screens before bed. The reason you aren’t sleeping is because your body is out of whack, even if you live a healthy lifestyle.  In this episode, I’m going to explain the top 5 hidden health issues that affect sleep that I’ve seen from working with over 200 clients for the past 5 years. And I’ll tell you about my client Samantha who had all 5 of these issues, which is really common. Resources Join theSmart Sleeper Sunday email series for FREE to learn more about what really causes sleep issues.  Sign up for ..read more
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182. 3 ways to deal with waking up in the middle of the night-Sleep Breakthrough session with Sunil
The Sleep Detective podcast: what causes insomnia and how to fix it
by Martha Lewis
2w ago
Sunil started waking up in the middle of the night about 6 months ago and it doesn’t make sense because he eats healthy, he exercises, he doesn’t have a lot of stress, and he’s doing so many things to take care of himself.  In this Sleep Breakthrough call, Sunil and I talk about his health and sleep and what could be causing him to wake up for 2 hours in the night. I gave him one tip to help him fall back asleep faster. And I recommended a surprise change to his exercise plan. And I told him the 3 most likely reasons for his wake ups and he’s going to look into one of them to start. Resou ..read more
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181. How you can get better sleep and lose weight while going through tough times (divorce, loss, moving, etc.)
The Sleep Detective podcast: what causes insomnia and how to fix it
by Martha Lewis
3w ago
If you’re going through a stressful time, such as you’re in the middle of a divorce, moving, or recently lost a loved one, you may think that now isn’t the right time to focus on your sleep and health, that there’s nothing you can do until you’re past this tough time. But what if now is actually the perfect time? In this episode, I'm going to tell you about how my client Jaipal was able to fix his sleep, lose 15 pounds without trying, and get healthy again even though he had just gone through a hard divorce and was still dealing with the emotional impact of it and even though he had been strug ..read more
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180. 5 unconventional sleep tips for 2025
The Sleep Detective podcast: what causes insomnia and how to fix it
by Martha Lewis
1M ago
Have you tried following all the sleep advice you hear about everywhere: follow a bedtime routine, stop drinking caffeine at 2pm, don’t watch TV before bed… I know it’s frustrating when these things don’t work. But just because they haven’t worked doesn’t mean you can’t sleep well! In this episode I’m going to explain why what you’ve tried so far hasn’t worked and share 5 unconventional sleep tips that you haven’t heard anywhere else. You’ll learn: what really causes sleep issues (it’s not because you’re watching Netflix before bed or your bedtime routine isn’t long enough) why melatonin, magn ..read more
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179. How to find the right diet for YOUR body and deep sleep
The Sleep Detective podcast: what causes insomnia and how to fix it
by Martha Lewis
1M ago
There’s so much conflicting information about nutrition and diets that it’s hard to figure out what’s right. Should you eat plant or animal based? Keto? Low fat? Low carb? The truth is, eating healthy is different from eating what’s right for YOUR body.  In this episode, I’m going to tell you how to figure out what diet is best for you and the amount of fat, protein and carbs YOUR body needs, which will affect your weight loss, energy, hormones and sleep. You’ll learn: a simple approach to diet and nutrition that isn't confusing and doesn’t involve counting calories or carbs  How wh ..read more
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178. When is it time to get help with your sleep?
The Sleep Detective podcast: what causes insomnia and how to fix it
by Martha Lewis
1M ago
Is your sleep up and down and so it’s easy to ignore it when you're sleeping ok and then you get more determined when it deteriorates again? And you’ve tried so many things to try to improve your sleep but nothing has really worked? In this episode you’re going to find out: How to know when it’s time to get help The 5 signs that indicate that sleep is an issue for you  Why magnesium, melatonin, meditation, a new mattress, etc. haven’t helped What’s going to happen if you don’t work on your sleep now How to get off the roller coaster of bad sleep then ok sleep then back to bad sleep again ..read more
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