Hope Lutheran Church | HOPE 365 Toolbox
Hope Lutheran Church blogs
Hope Lutheran Church | HOPE 365 Toolbox
4M ago
Hope Going to One Worship Service this Summer!
Starting June 2nd, we will have one worship service at 10:00 AM through September 8th. As many of you know, attendance at most churches is usually lower during the summer months as people travel or just enjoy the Seattle sunshine. This provides an opportunity for the people of Hope to gather together in one worship service each week, give our volunteers an opportunity for great rest, and to reconnect with our larger Hope community.
Our summer worship services will include the best of both of our regular tradition ..read more
Hope Lutheran Church | HOPE 365 Toolbox
4M ago
Capital Campaign Update
During both services on Sunday, we heard from Bill Clifton about the amazing work happening at Hope's North Campus. (You can catch his update here.) Over the last several months, Bill and a team of volunteers have been painting, making repairs and updates, and sprucing up the main floor of the school. For some of the bigger projects, professionals were hired to help paint all 250 lockers, update the HVAC system, and overhaul the bathrooms. The largest repair is scheduled to take place this summer: a complete replacement of the courtyard ..read more
Hope Lutheran Church | HOPE 365 Toolbox
4M ago
To Do or To Be? That’s the Question of Motherhood By Amy Kopecky
As a mom of school aged kids for about twelve years now, I’ve come to realize that parenting is the busiest extracurricular you can sign up for. Shocked? I know! Somehow I wake up surprised by this fact every single day. Jonathan and I are intentional about scheduling a manageable amount of activities so our family is not over-extended, but the feeding, dishes, laundry, cleaning, driving, appointments, reading, tucking in, praying, teaching, etc. is enough on its own to create a never ending to-do list.
I’ve experienced varying s ..read more
Hope Lutheran Church | HOPE 365 Toolbox
4M ago
Lenten Journey: Prayer Candle
By Patra Mueller
As we traveled in Germany last summer and visited several beautiful cathedrals, there were often candles available to light and pray for individuals in need.
This is not a typical practice in the Lutheran church, but this week we ask that you think of one specific individual you would like to lift up in prayer. Take a moment to light a candle in your home and let the glow from the candle serve as a reminder that you are lifting up that person before God’s throne of grace asking God for His love and provision in their life.
And pray in th ..read more
Hope Lutheran Church | HOPE 365 Toolbox
4M ago
Weekly Devotion - Eclipse
By Eric Mueller
Two weeks ago, I flew to Texas with my wife Chris to see the total solar eclipse. She had missed seeing the one in 2017 with me and I vowed to take her to see this one.
I figured south Texas would be ideal since it was always sunny when I visited there. I chose Waco because it was centered directly on the eclipse path and it offered an incredible four minutes of totality. Unfortunately, I neglected to check the historical weather for Waco in early April. Had I done so, I would have learned that April 8th is typically very cloudy. But it w ..read more
Hope Lutheran Church | HOPE 365 Toolbox
4M ago
Holy Week: Prayer, a Gift from Jesus
By Patra Mueller
You do not realize right now what I am doing, but later you will understand. John 13:7
Jesus shared these words with his disciples right before he bent down to wash their feet on the evening of the Passover. A lot was about to happen in the next few days, and He knew that they weren’t going to understand. But He was asking them to trust Him.
Often, we may find ourselves in a similar position where do not understand what is happening in our lives and how it can be part of God’s plan. But, like the disciples, Jesus is asking us to trust Him a ..read more
Hope Lutheran Church | HOPE 365 Toolbox
4M ago
Lenten Journey: God's Deep Love
By Patra Mueller
At our prayer station tonight, we will take a few moments to meditate on God’s deep love for us by slowly tracing our fingers over the words below. As you think about each word, reflect on the truths of God’s love that He freely shares with you.
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of ..read more
Hope Lutheran Church | HOPE 365 Toolbox
4M ago
Lenten Journey: Prayer Stations, Reflections
By Patra Mueller
Take a moment to look at your reflection in the mirror. Who do you see? What words come to mind? Often, it is far easier to focus on lies that sneak into our thoughts. Take another look and this time reflect on who God says you are by reading the phrases and verses below. Then, write the phrase that means the most to you on a sticky and read it every day this week to remind yourself of God’s Word.
I am a child of God.
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His ..read more
Hope Lutheran Church | HOPE 365 Toolbox
4M ago
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
THANK YOU to everyone who has pledged a gift to the Hope North capital campaign! We are excited to share with you that our current amount pledged is $1,077,618.00! Wow! This is spectacular! Thank you all for your generosity and support for the future home of our middle school program in Fall 2024. If you haven't already done so, there is still time to make your 3-year pledge, and you can do that through this link. We can't wait to see what God has in store for us!
"The Lord has done great things for us and our hearts ar ..read more
Hope Lutheran Church | HOPE 365 Toolbox
4M ago
Who is Jesus? Be Still and Know
By Amy Kopecky
“Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:5
“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:31
Who is Jesus? What is Lent really about? These are questions we’ve been asking in our current Lent series at Hope. You may think you already know the answers, and maybe you do. But Hebrews 4:12 teaches us that God’s Word isn’t stale or static; it is “living and active.” God wants to speak to us in every circumstance, and if we can be still enough to listen ..read more