Oxford Circle Mennonite Church Blog
We are a people and a place of hope and healing.
Oxford Circle Mennonite Church Blog
4M ago
By Pastor Tee, Pastor of Outreach
This is the longer version of an article submitted to The Leader Magazine.
“Who do you say that I am?” Jesus once had this conversation with Peter in Matthew 16:13-20. He answered that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. Later, Jesus told his disciples not to tell anyone. Was Jesus worried that his brand value was not strong enough? When Jesus was arrested and taken to the Sanhedrin, the high priest asked, “Are you the Christ?” Jesus answered yes (Mark 14:53-62). Was this one of the first examples of brand influencing?!
  ..read more
Oxford Circle Mennonite Church Blog
4M ago
By Pastor Tee, Pastor of Outreach
This is the longer version of an article submitted to The Leader Magazine. To read Part 1, click here.
Jesus, the Church and Branding Back to Jesus. From the time of his temptation and throughout the Gospels, Jesus resisted every effort to separate him from his Father (John 10:22-30). Although his critics tried to brand him with negative perceptions based on class (isn’t this Joseph’s son), his social nature (he is a glutton and a drunk) and association (being with sinners), he humbly stayed in relationship to the one true God in spite ..read more
Oxford Circle Mennonite Church Blog
4M ago
Shikron was a member of Oxford Circle Mennonite Church. We regret his untimely passing but celebrate his life. If you want to help with funeral expenses, click here and designate it for the Baynard Family.
The post Shikron Baynard’s Funeral appeared first on Oxford Circle Mennonite Church ..read more
Oxford Circle Mennonite Church Blog
4M ago
By Pastor Tee, Pastor of Outreach
Can healthy risk-taking help young people deal with failure and improve their mental health?
All children are creative and risk takers in kindergarten. During this time, informal play is emphasized, curiosity is encouraged, socializing is the norm and failure is reframed as an opportunity for growth. But first grade brings learning through sitting long periods of time, rules as restrictions and rote learning. This continues through grade school and is the opposite of creativity. Healthy risk taking goes down and delinquent risk taking goes up.
Although there a ..read more
Oxford Circle Mennonite Church Blog
4M ago
By Pastor Tee, Pastor of Outreach
Jesus washing his disciples’ feet was a shock because a slave or the lowest servant would do this for guests before they entered their masters house.
Every Thursday before Easter, my church has a Maundy Thursday service to remember Jesus washing his disciples’ feet and the Last Supper (John 13). Maundy means “the ceremony of washing the feet of the poor.” We wash each other’s feet, eat together and have communion. In Jesus’ day, most people wore sandals when they traveled because it was very dry and warm most of the year. In an agrarian culture with animals us ..read more
Oxford Circle Mennonite Church Blog
4M ago
By Pastor Lynn, Lead Pastor
How does our storytelling in situations of conflict assist in the work of reconciliation?
In situations of conflict, we tell ourselves stories about what is happening. We think about what was said or done, or what we would like to say or do. Sometimes we can’t stop thinking about the stories we are telling ourselves. We also may tell our stories to other people, which, depending on who we talk to, can cause more harm than good.
At OCMC, we value reconciliation as being the work we are engaged in as we follow Jesus. As I read Psalm 3, which is a psalm describi ..read more
Oxford Circle Mennonite Church Blog
4M ago
By Lyllian Velasquez, Pastoral Team Leader
The only reason we drift away from Jesus is that we regard something else as more important.
Regrets teaches us that choices have consequences. They also reveal that we need to become better decision makers.We teach our young children that choices have consequences. It is one of life’s fundamental truths. Unintended consequences of our choices often wreak havoc in our lives and the lives of others. Choices have consequences.
Decision making is a powerful force in our lives. Our decisions quite literally shape our lives. We make the future with ..read more
Oxford Circle Mennonite Church Blog
4M ago
We are inviting FNL families and OCMC families to spend the weekend with us at Camp Hebron near Harrisburg, PA. Last year, we had a blast! (View your short video above.)We will have a cabin for FNL parents who are first time campers and tents for OCMC families and youth. Food will be provided and prepared at the campground.
Tenting Cost: $40/person for the weekend Cabin Cost:$100/person for the weekend
We will have access to an outdoor swimming pool, an indoor gym and nature trails. We will also spend time together relaxing, doing
devotions and telling funny stories around the ..read more
Oxford Circle Mennonite Church Blog
4M ago
By Pastor Lynn, Lead Pastor
Our church recently lost a 19 year old young man to gun violence.
At a time like this, when we’ve lost someone we know and love, and when we hear every day of other families losing loved ones, it can be very easy to give in to fear, despair, anger, and forget about hope. But the Christian faith is all about hope. As the old hymn says, “Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” What is it that we know from scripture and our faith tradition that gives us hope?
We know we are loved by God more than we can comprehend. We know this be ..read more
Oxford Circle Mennonite Church Blog
4M ago
The post OCMC Youth Retreat: April 28-30, 2023 appeared first on Oxford Circle Mennonite Church ..read more