Harris or Trump: Who’s Better for our Nuclear Future?
Generation Atomic Blog
by GenerationAtomic
1M ago
Author: The Kernel, Jeff, Eric G. Meyer, and Philip Hult Underpinning costs of goods and services is the cost of energy. According to a July poll from Statista, one of the most important issues for voters in 2024 is reducing inflation and the cost of living. As a source of scalable, clean, dispatchable power, nuclear energy represents a viable […] The post Harris or Trump: Who’s Better for our Nuclear Future? first appeared on Generation Atomic ..read more
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NEM 3.0
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by GenerationAtomic
1M ago
Author: The Kernel & Kiersten Sundell If you care about renewables, or California, or saving money on electricity, you’re gonna wanna hear this. People who have rooftop solar panels often generate more electricity than they can use, and net metering allows them to send it onto the grid for others, and get credits in exchange. When the […] The post NEM 3.0 first appeared on Generation Atomic ..read more
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What is consent-based siting?
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by GenerationAtomic
1M ago
Author: The Kernel & Kiersten Sundell The traditional approach to siting nuclear waste repositories has often been top-down – decisions about community land are made by governmental authorities or technical experts, without considering the socioeconomic, cultural, and ecological concerns of the host community. These decisions have resulted in opposition and mistrust, and have been at […] The post What is consent-based siting? first appeared on Generation Atomic ..read more
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Nuclear Could Power AI’s Future
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by GenerationAtomic
1M ago
Author: The Kernel & Jeff Artificial intelligence is driving breakthroughs and efficiency gains in medicine, agriculture, and clean energy. While undoubtedly beneficial to society, AI is also a power-hungry tool. The International Energy Agency estimates that an average ChatGPT search uses 10 times more electricity than a standard Google search. The Washington Post reports that one data center complex […] The post Nuclear Could Power AI’s Future first appeared on Generation Atomic ..read more
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Safeguarding Tomorrow’s Power Today – Repository Security Measures
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by GenerationAtomic
1M ago
Author: THE KERNEL & Kiersten Sundell When nuclear fuel is done pumping out clean power for 5 straight years in a reactor, it chills in a cooling pool for another 5 years before being moved to dry cask storage at a spent fuel pad. One question we get asked a lot is: are those safe from…attacks? […] The post Safeguarding Tomorrow’s Power Today – Repository Security Measures first appeared on Generation Atomic ..read more
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Generation Atomic at The Bonn Climate Conference 2024
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by GenerationAtomic
1M ago
Author: THE KERNEL, Gayatri Karnik & Vladislav At COP 28 in Dubai last year, parties explicitly called out nuclear energy as a legitimate part of the global clean energy transition. This mention may seem insignificant, but it demonstrates a much broader awareness of the critical role nuclear energy must play in limiting global temperature rise. As […] The post Generation Atomic at The Bonn Climate Conference 2024 first appeared on Generation Atomic ..read more
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Meet the States Championing Nuclear Energy in 2024
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by GenerationAtomic
1M ago
Author: THE KERNEL & Jeff With the summer officially upon us, many state legislatures have adjourned for the year. With grid reliability and climate concerns being a top priority, state lawmakers across the country have taken steps to unlock the nation’s largest source of baseload, carbon-free energy: nuclear power. In the 2024 legislative session, state policymakers […] The post Meet the States Championing Nuclear Energy in 2024 first appeared on Generation Atomic ..read more
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Fission vs Fusion
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by GenerationAtomic
2M ago
Author: THE KERNEL What’s the difference between fission and fusion? Great question. Fission splits atoms apart. This is how we create all nuclear power, at least right now. Fission can be done with a few different elements, but nuclear reactors usually use uranium-235, since it’s a good isotope for splitting. In a nuclear reactor, a neutron is […] The post Fission vs Fusion first appeared on Generation Atomic ..read more
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Nuclear Energy Breakthrough: The ADVANCE Act Will Accelerate American Leadership
Generation Atomic Blog
by GenerationAtomic
3M ago
In a major boost for nuclear energy innovation and deployment in the United States, the United States Senate has passed the ADVANCE ACT(Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy) (ADVANCE). This comprehensive legislation, once signed by President Biden, is set to bring domestic nuclear energy regulations into the 21st century, accelerate innovation, and […] The post Nuclear Energy Breakthrough: The ADVANCE Act Will Accelerate American Leadership first appeared on Generation Atomic ..read more
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Why we don’t recycle fuel in the US?
Generation Atomic Blog
by GenerationAtomic
3M ago
Author: THE KERNEL & Kiersten Sundell Why don’t we recycle spent nuclear fuel in the United States? Great question.  After five years of use in a reactor, over 90% of the potential energy in spent nuclear fuel still remains untapped. The only reason we retire it in the first place is because it’s no longer as efficient, and […] The post Why we don’t recycle fuel in the US? first appeared on Generation Atomic ..read more
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