What to Make of Israel
ReCAST Church Blog
5M ago
I have had two recent meetings and a couple of passing conversations at the coffee shop about the nation of Israel.  It also came up at our Saturday morning men’s group.  The two sit-down meetings were from visitors feeling out what kind of church we are.  They were coming from two different churches who have ..read more
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When Evil Breaks Through
ReCAST Church Blog
7M ago
I think it is impossible to fathom the level of evil that lies dormant in every single human heart.  Hitler was made of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen . . . Blood, flesh and bone.  And yet he stands as a man who converted a whole lot of potential evil into kinetic evil.  The human heart ..read more
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All Adults – My Kids are Raised
ReCAST Church Blog
7M ago
My youngest just turned 18 years old on January 7th!  Suddenly my immediate family is full of adults.  It has been a journey.  At times slow and a slog, and other times racing by like sand between my fingers.  It took Einstein to prove scientifically that time is relative, but it took me raising kids ..read more
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On our Toes For Jesus: Going to Two Services
ReCAST Church Blog
7M ago
As a church planter, change has been a pretty constant part of my life.  From meeting in a basement to meeting in store front and then going to two services and then moving to the Mattawan School center building cafeteria setting up and tearing down each week to then moving to our new building to ..read more
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Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks
ReCAST Church Blog
7M ago
I am still learning.  But I am getting more set in my ways . . . Which is code for both knowing what I do and don’t like and knowing better the edge of my limitations.  I am grateful for the ability to keep reading, keep observing, keep praying, and keep hearing from God through ..read more
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Classics that Warm the Heart
ReCAST Church Blog
7M ago
I have recently dusted off the covers of a couple of Christian classics.  When I do this, I never regret it.  I am currently rereading “The Knowledge of the Holy” by A.W. Tozer and “Orthodoxy” by G.K.Chesterton.  I read “Knowledge” back when I was in college and I found it very encouraging back then.  But ..read more
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A Fortress of Covenant Intimacy
ReCAST Church Blog
7M ago
Preaching through books of the Bible lands me in some strange places.  For example, this coming Sunday I will be speaking in about sexual intimacy within marriage. Not only is this passage about a subject that is rarely spoken of in church, but it also is a subject I don’t think many ..read more
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The Word of the Year: Authentic
ReCAST Church Blog
7M ago
Every year, Merriam-Webster releases its word of the year.  They take into account the usage of words in search engines coupled with correlating current events to select their word.  In 2022 the word was ‘gaslighting’ but now in 2023, the word of the year is ‘authentic’. That sounds super close to a core value of ..read more
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2023 Books Worth Mentioning
ReCAST Church Blog
7M ago
I read 50 books this year spanning from the weighty “Systematic Theology” by Wayne Grudem to the tiny and quick, “Policy Governance Model” by Carver. A few of the books were indulgent science fiction fantasy novels that are not really worth a mention.  Several of them were commentaries on a specific book of the Bible ..read more
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