Christian Courier » Faith deconstruction
Independent Christian Newspaper
Christian Courier » Faith deconstruction
3M ago
In North America today there is a certain first-person narrative that frequently grabs the attention of the secular media. The typical storyline runs like this: “I was raised in a Christian home where I was taught not to question the beliefs of my church community. My parents believed in, say, a literal six-day creation, a more
Christian Courier » Faith deconstruction
6M ago
Canadian artist Amanda Le Blanc is creating a series of hyper-realistic watercolour images of crucified birds, embodying the hurt church has caused. “Even though it is immediately very jarring and visceral, what can come out of the conversations around these pieces can be very hopeful,” she said. Le Blanc graduated Redeemer University as an art more
Christian Courier » Faith deconstruction
6M ago
This Reformation Day, I’m thinking about reformation as a form of deconstruction. “Always reforming” can too easily feel like it’s about re-shaping something, renovating it, giving it a make-over. It sounds too clean, maybe even bureaucratic — like a policy change. But “deconstruction” suggests that reformation first requires some division and a little subtraction. It more
Christian Courier » Faith deconstruction
6M ago
Although the hosts of the UK-based Nomad Podcast have changed since it began in 2009, its goal has remained the same: to provide listeners with candid and topical conversations about doubt, faith and the many tensions that arise from seeking to follow the way of Christ. A recurring topic is Christian deconstruction, a term that more
Christian Courier » Faith deconstruction
6M ago
Deconstruction is a couple of generations old now. It was originally formulated by Jacques Derrida in the late 1960’s to express the complexity of our relationship to our cultural traditions. It meant accepting that our confident knowing had to be reassessed. Today, deconstruction is having another moment in the spotlight. Specifically, among those who inhabit more
Christian Courier » Faith deconstruction
6M ago
“[God] desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Tim. 2:4). Having been brought up in a Calvinist home and listened all my life to sermons in Reformed churches, I have grown to believe that only a chosen few will be saved from eternal damnation by the grace more