Walking Humbly
Phoenix Community Church UCC
by Rev. Kenneth Arthur
2d ago
Humbly walking with God and living in justice and kindness are God’s Way of Love ..read more
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From The Heart
Phoenix Community Church UCC
by Rev. Kenneth Arthur
1w ago
Jesus invites us to live with a blessed attitude, to nurture our loving compassionate nature, to live the Way of God’s love from the heart. This is how we can nurture and sustain ourselves. How we can protect ourselves from the trauma going on around us. How we can make a difference in the world, healing ourselves and those we encounter ..read more
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Living for Others
Phoenix Community Church UCC
by Rev. Kenneth Arthur
2w ago
Reflections on the spiritual journey, the beautitudes, and living not selfishly but for others ..read more
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Grace and Truth
Phoenix Community Church UCC
by Rev. Kenneth Arthur
1M ago
We are invited into the joy of the grace and truth revealed in the life and teachings of Jesus, in the Way of Love. ... If we but make room, God’s grace and truth will fill us so that the light of our love will shine in a world of darkness ..read more
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Trusting In God’s Love
Phoenix Community Church UCC
by Rev. Kenneth Arthur
1M ago
To what might God give birth in the coming days and months and years if we put our trust in God’s love, that most powerful tool of justice and healing, in this moment? If we, like Mary, let God’s light magnify our souls and use our lives as beacons of healing and love in the world ..read more
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Into The Fire
Phoenix Community Church UCC
by Rev. Kenneth Arthur
1M ago
John tells us that when we are baptized by Jesus in the Holy Spirit. This isn’t a metaphor of destruction but one of transformation ..read more
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Prepare The Way For Healing
Phoenix Community Church UCC
by Rev. Kenneth Arthur
2M ago
We are invited to stop. To turn. To change. To open the door to God’s love ..read more
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Stand Up in Hope
Phoenix Community Church UCC
by Rev. Kenneth Arthur
2M ago
When we see these things going bad, we have a choice. We can wallow in despair. Run and hide in defeat. Or we can stand up in hope. Raise our heads in courage and continue fighting for justice with courage and love, knowing that God will be there with us ..read more
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Going Deeper In Worship
Phoenix Community Church UCC
by Rev. Kenneth Arthur
2M ago
Worship can be a valuable source of energy and hope, connecting us to God when we are struggling and anxious. Helping us to stay centered on God’s love when the world threatens to blow us off our foundations ..read more
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Witnesses of Love
Phoenix Community Church UCC
by Rev. Kenneth Arthur
3M ago
When morality no longer seems to matter to people, how are we to feel safe? When people vote for hate and lies, how are we to trust? If we are to be a strong, vibrant, Jesus-following church then we must re-commit to live as a witness to God’s love in and for the world. We must re-commit to be love in and for the world. We must re-commit to work for justice and peace for all people everywhere ..read more
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