Exercising Helps Your Learning and Memory Capabilities
Triangle Foundry Blog
by Lydia Gibson
10M ago
Do you ever find yourself getting trapped in limiting self beliefs like...   My memory is horrible, it’ll never get better.  It’s too late to learn something new.  I do this one specific workout, that’s enough for me  Well, what if we told you there was a way to release these beliefs and embrace your fullest life? In a recent study, researchers found how full body exercises can help to enhance a person’s neuroplasticity, in addition to a healthier cardiovascular and immune system.  But what is neuroplasticity?  Neuroplasticity is the mind and body’s abili ..read more
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Why Your Right and Left Sides Feel Different in Your Yoga Practice
Triangle Foundry Blog
by Lydia Gibson
10M ago
Asymmetry: A Strength, Not a Weakness “Your hand opens and closes and opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as bird wings.” ~ Rumi You step onto your mat, begin your yoga asana practice, and think “Woah! My left side is so different from my right today.” or “Ooh, I can’t quite stretch on this side like I just did on the other.”  Sound familiar? Good news! The differences in the left and right sides of the body ..read more
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Understanding Muscle, Fat and Rest Days
Triangle Foundry Blog
by Marissa Venanzi
10M ago
Have you ever wanted to become more intentional about your health, wellness, and fitness?  Understanding the biology behind the strength you’re building can allow you to find the intention you might be missing! Muscles The Science: Endurance exercise utilizes primarily slow twitch muscle fibers, leading to angiogenesis (wooowww fancy word!) Resistance training utilizes primarily fast twitch muscle fibers, leading to increased myofibril formation. Stretching lengthens the muscle fibers, leading to a decrease in neural pain signaling over time. Why should you care? Endurance training t ..read more
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What Is HIIT?
Triangle Foundry Blog
by Nicole Battestilli
10M ago
HIIT stands for “high intensity interval training” and is a great workout method to build and maintain muscle. As the name suggests, HIIT workouts involve short bursts of high intensity full body exercises followed by a short rest. These workouts can have various work to rest ratios, but rarely will the working period be over 45 seconds so that the individual can give maximum effort during the working time.   Because they are comprised of bodyweight exercises, HIIT workouts can be done anywhere without equipment, but if you want to add on, various equipment can be used to enhance the ..read more
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Vinyasa vs. Yin Yoga
Triangle Foundry Blog
by Phoebe Page
10M ago
Vinyasa vs. Yin The beauty of your yoga practice is the availability of many modalities that bring your body an amazing and unique gift. The ways in which you can embrace those differences and reach the full potential yoga has to offer is by recognizing what serves your body in a cyclical and balanced manner.  Active v. Passive Poses: Vinyasa Flow is a more fast-paced practice that mainly uses The principle of one breath to one movement.  A build up a healthy sweat in fundamental standing postures, then expand to other more challenging and seemingly infinite balance postures, he ..read more
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Keep your body and baby safe exercising during pregnancy
Triangle Foundry Blog
by Karyna Kerin Goldman
10M ago
Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative journey, but it's important to stay mindful of your changing body and evolving needs throughout those nine months. For many people, maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle is a priority, and yoga and exercise can play a crucial role in achieving this. In this post, we'll discuss how to keep your body and baby safe during exercise and yoga. Trimester 1: The Foundation The first trimester can be a rollercoaster of emotions and symptoms. You may be dealing with morning sickness, fatigue, and uncertainty. While it's crucial to listen to your body du ..read more
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The Fitness and Sleep Connection: How Regular Exercise can Improve your Sleep Quality
Triangle Foundry Blog
by Karyna Kerin Goldman
10M ago
Ever wondered how your fitness routine might be affecting your sleep? Well, you're in for a treat because we've delved into the fascinating world of sleep and fitness, and we're here to spill the beans! Quality Sleep and You: We all know that getting enough sleep is essential, but it's not just about quantity; quality matters too. Sleep quality impacts your mood, cognitive function, and overall well-being. So, how does fitness come into play? The Fitness-Sleep Link: Research shows that regular physical activity can significantly improve your sleep quality. Here's the lowdown on how it works ..read more
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What’s pranayama and how can I start practicing it?
Triangle Foundry Blog
by Karyna Kerin Goldman
10M ago
What is Pranayama? Prānāyāma is the yogic practice of focusing on your breath through a variety of techniques and practices. In Sanskrit, prana means "vital life force", and yama means "to gain control". In yoga, breath is associated with prana, therefore, pranayama is a practice to elevate the prana shakti, or "life energies", within your body. There's several different practices, each with their own benefits and uses. Below we'll cover some of the fundamental techniques that you should start a pranayama practice with before attempting more advanced techniques. There are several different pr ..read more
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March 2023 Full Moon
Triangle Foundry Blog
by Helena Carothers
10M ago
The next full moon will occur tomorrow, March 7th, at approximately 7:40 am EST, and even though this is the last full moon of winter, it brings with it the very first signs of spring. As the ground begins to thaw over the next few weeks, the earth begins to wake up from its frozen slumber. Roots begin to extend underground, and plants begin to rise up to meet the sun. Earthworms also begin to appear in the warmed earth, which led to the Native Americans naming this moon The Worm Moon. To honor this full moon, our moon circle will include: Tapping into our root chakras with a grounding rest ..read more
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The Importance of Your Quads
Triangle Foundry Blog
by Marissa Venanzi
10M ago
If you are on a fitness journey, you have probably heard lots and lots about your “quads,” but why? The quadriceps femoris, fondly known as the “quads,” is a group of four muscles in the anterior compartment of the thigh. It literally translates to four heads, highlighting the INCREDIBLE strength we hold within this muscle group! The four muscles comprising this group include Rectus femoris Vastus intermedius Vastus lateralis Vastus medialis These muscles are responsible for flexion at the hip joint (i.e. bringing thigh towards the core) and extension of the knee joints (i.e. lengthening t ..read more
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