Jesus in the Old Testament: Numbers
Heritage Baptist Church
by Heritage Baptist Church
3d ago
Numbers, often referred to as the Book of Faithfulness, contrasts the faithfulness of God with the recurring unfaithfulness of the Israelites. Pastor Nathan teaches on God's unwavering commitment to His covenant, His role as a warrior king, the call to holiness and obedience, and the cycle of rebellion and intercession. The narrative of the bronze serpent in Numbers 21, where faith leads to healing, foreshadows the crucifixion of Jesus and the salvation it brings. As we reflect on these scriptures, we are encouraged to trust in God's promises and live in obedience to His word more
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Jesus in the Old Testament: Leviticus
Heritage Baptist Church
by Heritage Baptist Church
1w ago
Our journey through the Old Testament, specifically Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus, has revealed the overarching narrative of God's redemptive work, which finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. In Genesis, we encounter the all-powerful Creator who forms mankind for relationship, and despite humanity's fall into sin, God promises a Redeemer. Exodus showcases God's faithfulness as He delivers the Israelites from Egypt, emphasizing that His grace precedes the law. Leviticus then presents the sacrificial system, which underscores the necessity of atonement and points to Christ's ultimate sacrifice more
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Jesus in the Old Testament: Exodus
Heritage Baptist Church
by Heritage Baptist Church
1w ago
The book of Exodus is filled with imagery of salvation and rescue. It's in Exodus that we see God's people being saved by the blood and led through death into life - all to point us to the greatest savior, Jesus. In this teaching, Pastor Nathan walks through the key moments of Exodus so that we can see Jesus in the Old Testament more
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Jesus in the Old Testament: Genesis
Heritage Baptist Church
by Heritage Baptist Church
3w ago
In this teaching, Pastor Nathan shares many of the images of Jesus in the Old Testament, specifically through the lens of #Genesis. This insightful exploration delves into the theological foundations laid by the #creation narrative, the anthropological significance of mankind made in God's image, and the devastating impact of the fall. Discover the seeds of hope planted in the early chapters of Genesis, which point to the coming of a #Redeemer. Learn about the covenant of grace with Abraham and see how the stories of the patriarchs demonstrate God's unwavering faithfulness. Understand how Jesu more
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Anxiety to Security // Luke 24:13-35
Heritage Baptist Church
by Heritage Baptist Church
1M ago
The Road to Emmaus narrative from Luke 24 serves as a poignant example of how anxieties and uncertainties can obscure our spiritual vision, preventing us from seeing Jesus at work in our lives. The disciples' inability to recognize Jesus walking with them mirrors our own occasional spiritual blindness. However, Jesus's approach to dispel their doubts—through the clarity of Scripture and the intimacy of breaking bread—reveals the means by which we can also come to recognize Him. By delving into the Word and fostering a deeper communion with Christ, we can transform our understanding and ignite more
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Why is Temptation so Tempting? // James 1:12-15
Heritage Baptist Church
by Heritage Baptist Church
1M ago
Temptation is a reality in this fallen world, but at what point does a temptation become sin? Where does temptation come from and how are we do deal with it when it comes. In this teaching, Pastor Jeff walks through the pathway of #sin seen in James 1 in order to best understand how to respond to to #temptation more
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Defining Love in Marriage // Eph 5
Heritage Baptist Church
by Heritage Baptist Church
1M ago
Marriage is not a trivial thing, but rather a holy image of Jesus and his bride, the church. Therefore, marriage should be understood in light of this imagery and the love that Jesus has for us. In this teaching, Pastor Mike looks at the eternality of love and it's impact on the marital union in order to deconstruct the world's view for what is far more profound and glorious. #marriage #relationship #wife #husband #love more
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Defining Love // 1 Cor 13
Heritage Baptist Church
by Heritage Baptist Church
1M ago
Love is often misunderstood in terms of personal feelings or happiness, yet Christ-like love is far more profound and difficult. In this teaching, Pastor Mike looks at 1 Corinthians 13 in order to define Christ-like love and it's power in the church. True love is not simple or easy, but it is life changing. #love #scripture #marriage #family more
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Beware of Concessions // Judges
Heritage Baptist Church
by Heritage Baptist Church
1M ago
The book of judges stands as a stark reminder of man depravity and God's patience. In this teaching, Pastor Kent walks through the cycle of sin in the book in order that we may heed a warning against small concessions that lead to major sin more
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The Bible shapes our life // 2 Tim 3:15-4:2
Heritage Baptist Church
by Heritage Baptist Church
1M ago
The end of 2 Timothy includes the final words of Paul who points Timothy to the importance of the Word of God and the reality of suffering for Christ. In this teaching Pastor Nathan finishes up our series on the pastoral epistles with a call to be people of the scriptures more
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