Mark & Dayna's Blog
Mark & Dayna's Blog
3w ago
Dear Ones,
It is quite a shock to wake up in the morning and see someone that looks a lot like your grandfather staring back from the bathroom mirror. Then you remember, “Hey, you ARE old!” It’s not like we are old enough to be President of the USA or anything, but we both celebrate another lap the sun this month.
Back in 1982 our pastor preached from Psalm 67 in our wedding, and God is still pouring out the mercy to walk it, “May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him” (Psalm 67.7). We have received so many blessings, and it has been our g more
Mark & Dayna's Blog
3w ago
Dear Ones,
It is quite a shock to wake up in the morning and see someone that looks a lot like your grandfather staring back from the bathroom mirror. Then you remember, “Hey, you ARE old!” It’s not like we are old enough to be President of the USA or anything, but we both celebrate another lap the sun this month.
Back in 1982 our pastor preached from Psalm 67 in our wedding, and God is still pouring out the mercy to walk it, “May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him” (Psalm 67.7). We have received so many blessings more
Mark & Dayna's Blog
3M ago
Aloha! We are back home in Kapa’au!
Thanks so much for praying for us during our month-long trek around the world. We praise the Lord for His mercies and gracious care. Thanks to those who shared your kind hospitality!
We spent time in 4 countries, two where we once lived.
After 30 plus hours of travel, we stepped from Hawaii into dry and sunny Madaba, the 9th-biggest city in Jordan, population 122,008. It was a Moabite border city in the bronze age. Today large historic churches freely worship Jesus peacefully in this predominantly Muslim city. We stayed six days, enjoying fellowship with more
Mark & Dayna's Blog
4M ago
Aloha, this Easter Monday!
We praise the Lord for allowing us to once again rejoice in Him as we remembered the greatest week of human history! How thankful for we are for “…our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Timothy 1.9,10 NIV). The tomb is empty, all God’s promises are “Yes!” and “Amen!” in Him. I, Mark, am eternally grateful that 52 years ago this high school kid trying to find fun during Easter camp on Catalina Island was found by Him who has given me a lifetime of fun. Christ is Risen, Indeed!
W more
Mark & Dayna's Blog
7M ago
Greetings from Beijing, August 2019
We’ve had a great summer o more
Mark & Dayna's Blog
7M ago
Warm Springtime Greetings from Beijing! May 2019
We are sorry that it has been hard to stop long enough to send out this update. We are so thankful for your faithful prayers and support for us here in China. We have a daily appreciation for the mercy and grace of our Lord God who continues to strengthen and sustain more
Mark & Dayna's Blog
7M ago
Dear Friends and Family,
By God’s grace we are fine here in Kapa’au, Hawaii. Many thanks for your notes of concern and prayers for us. We understand that news of “fire in Hawaii” is hard to interpret, especially with so many grim pictures! We did have fires on our island, some about half an hour away from our home, on Tuesday and Wednesday. Acres of grassland and a few structures burned. Winds from hurricane Dora reached 80 mph here. Thank God for our Hawaii County Firemen, including a young man in our congregation who is a Captain.
Tomorrow our “Prayer for the Nations” in Kalahikiol more
Mark & Dayna's Blog
7M ago
Aloha! From the not as Big as we thought Island!!
For the last 50 years of trying to follow Jesus, John Calvin has been a trusted friend and mentor. But in the last few days Calvin has stormed across the Pacific as a terrible foe and menace. He would probably be surprised that the nomenclature of the World Meteorological Organization has made him such a bad boy. (I know some have always thought Calvin a bad boy! Not sure if there will be any hurricanes named Arminius?)
Our island, Hawaii, is big enough to fit all the other Hawaiian Islands within, the ‘Big Island.’ But Calvin was bigger! S more
Mark & Dayna's Blog
7M ago
Aloha in the Name of our Risen Lord,
We both got a small taste of what our Lord Jesus endured on that day we call Good Friday. For Him the cross was the apex of sleeplessness, betrayals, blood-draining prayer, gross injustice, and merciless beatings, and unfathomable sufferings.
We woke up to a beautiful Hawaii morning and drove to the parking lot of the Episcopal church, prayed with brothers and sisters from our little town, and joined them dragging a cross on wheels a couple miles, to a picnic lunch with even more friendly Christians!
Some passing cars honked - smiles an more
Mark & Dayna's Blog
7M ago
Hau Oli Makahiki Hou! Happy New Year!
We pray you and yours experienced the blessings of the Advent season – hope, peace, joy, love, from Jesus! We took advantage of the freedom we have to share Him with our new island neighbors. We hosted four dinners/Advent services in our Kalahikiola Church, considering Luke’s anticipation of Jesus’ coming through the lives of Zechariah, Elizabeth, John, and Mary. The local community center invited our church to have a children’s craft program for their Christmas Fair! We thought it good to hand out Gospel tracts, like we more