What’s Good About Good Friday?
Church Visits
by Chris Thompson
7M ago
In a world where famine, disease, war, and the ravages of climate change are consuming our senses, it is only natural to say, as Holy Week concludes, “What Good is Good Friday?”. I take solace from the words of theologian NT Wright as he wisely observes. “We are summoned by the most powerful love in the world to live by the pattern of death and resurrection, repentance and forgiveness, in daily Christian living, in sure hope of eventual victory. The “problem of evil” is not simply or purely a “cosmic” thing; it is also a problem about me. And God has dealt with that problem on the cross of hi ..read more
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It’s Advent…must be a conspiracy!
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by Chris Thompson
7M ago
Has Advent & Christmas become an un-Christian burden? It’s hard to believe it’s the season of Advent once more. Starting today, November 28, it marks the beginning of the church year, and leads up to the second-most important Christian holiday, Christmas; the first being Easter. Celebrated by the Western Church since the 4th or 5th century, it has grown in practice to incorporate activities not envisioned by the early church fathers. Take for example the sale of Advent Calendars which now embrace almost everything the heart could desire. Yep, growing from their 19th century origin via Germ ..read more
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Holy Week Rolls On With Good Friday
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by Chris Thompson
7M ago
It’s been a while since I’ve posted. The turmoil wracking our country has been occupying mine and others minds in this new post-Christian era. Even the Christians seem to be at each others throats. In years past I’ve witnessed many Good Friday services in our local churches. Some were profoundly great, and some were celebratory in nature which totally turned me off. The day that Jesus was put to death is not a day of celebration. It is rather a day to ponder one’s mortality, and the sacrifice of a God/man. Although we know the “rest of the story”, this is a solemn day to observe. In my tradit ..read more
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Touching Memorial Service – Karen Brownsberger Gordon
Church Visits
by Chris Thompson
7M ago
Video of Karen Brownsberger Gordon’s Memorial Service During my years of writing this blog, I’ve rarely attended funerals or memorial services. Those I attended were, for the most part, for people who touched my life in significant ways. This past Wednesday evening, a memorial service was held for Karen Brownsberger Gordon at Trinity Presbyterian Church. Karen passed on June 29 after a courageous battle with cancer. Trinity’s large sanctuary was packed with Karen’s family, friends, and aquaintences. I first became aquainted with Karen and her husband Steve at this same church when they were a ..read more
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He is Risen! Risen Indeed!
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by Chris Thompson
7M ago
As Christians celebrate Easter, it’s important to remember that Easter is the fundamental truth upon which Christianity rests. As such, we Christians should be Easter Christians daily, and not rest upon one day a year to celebrate our hope and salvation. Many have suffered losses worldwide during the Covid pandemic, especially losses of loved ones. Our strength lies in the blessed hope we shall see them once again in the earth made new, and Easter emboldens that hope. At Easter time, I perennially share the beautiful N.T. Wright quote from his book “Surprised by Hope” for it inspires a true r ..read more
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He is Risen!!!
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by Chris Thompson
7M ago
What a thrill it must have been for a few of Christ’s disciples, and the women, to discover that he was no longer in the tomb some 2,000 years ago. That very act became the focal point of history and still persists. Hope is now available to all who express faith in Jesus Christ, align their lives with his teachings, and share the good news of his resurrection. Christianity allows believers to be Eastered every day of the year, without having to wait for this one special day of the year. At Easter time, I love to share this beautiful N.T. Wright quote from his book “Surprised by Hope”. It insp ..read more
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A Christmas Prayer
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by Chris Thompson
7M ago
Dear Lord On this special day we pray for peace Not an ordinary peace for an unordinary time But a peace born of the Spirit Separating us from the false adoration of the season Based on self-love, greed, and seeming care for others. We ask for deliverance from the spirit of consumerism That blinds us to the true spirit of Jesus Who allowed Himself to be given to the world First as a babe, then as a lamb to atone for the sin He did not bring into the world. Give us the insight to understand that all the Legos, TVs, and other consumer goods in the world mean Nothing in the eyes of God As the bi ..read more
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2021 Hunger Print Now Available – Don’t Delay!
Church Visits
by Chris Thompson
7M ago
The 2021 print is titled “Friends in Christ” and measures 7 3/8” X 6 1/4”. The cost of this year’s print is $30. Prints are available for pick-up at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 8427 Jewel Lake Road, Anchorage, AK during office hours Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Phone: 907-243-2301. Correct change is appreciated or checks made payable to Gloria Dei Hunger Prints. A variety of prints from previous years are also available . They are also available in the church office. Backstory In 1979, Anchorage artist Marianne Wieland attended a Bible study at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church where Pas ..read more
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Good Friday – 2021 – Time to Reflect
Church Visits
by Chris Thompson
7M ago
It’s Covid Good Friday again. So many of us have been through the terrible scourge of pain, deprivation, lack of family contact, death of friends, and all the other disturbances that have marked our year plus of Covid. As we journey through Good Friday, it is important to reminisce about the terrible exile we’ve endured this past year as we contemplate the exile from the Father Jesus endured on our behalf. Exile (Poem by Walter Brueggemann from Prayers for a Privileged People) Like the ancients, we know about ashes, and smoldering ruins, and collapse of dreams, and loss of treasure, and fa ..read more
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