Faith is Rest
Wrangell Seventh-day Adventist Church Blog
7M ago
 In the beginning of our walk with Jesus, faith is struggling; but as long as  we are struggling in our faith, it is not truly strong. It is only when faith in its  struggling comes to the end of itself, and is finally willing to just throw itself  into the arms of Jesus that we finally find joy and victory.  An example of this is how The Keswick Convention began. Canon  Battersby a godly man who was a clergy and evangelist of the Church of  England for more than twenty years, even though his whole life was in  service to God, he couldn’t find rest and more
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Faith Implies Helplessness
Wrangell Seventh-day Adventist Church Blog
7M ago
Last week we discussed how God offers to be our Keeper, and His  keeping means day by day, moment by moment God is going to keep us.  Now the other side, and just as important is faith. How does faith play a  role in our salvation and how do we need to look at faith?  First of all we must realize that faith for you and me means complete  and utter helplessness before God. All true faith comes with a feeling of  helplessness! It’s like me going to a mechanic to get my car worked on. I  am not a mechanic, I don’t know what is wrong with my car, much less more
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Keeping is Continuous
Wrangell Seventh-day Adventist Church Blog
7M ago
We have been discussing for several weeks how God “keeps” us in our  walk with Jesus. We have seen how the keeping of God is all-inclusive and  that we are kept by His all mighty omnipotence. This week we are going to  consider how His keeping is continuous and unbroken in our walk with  Jesus.  Many of us have experienced or heard someone tell of how God has kept  them for a day or for weeks, even longer just basking in His presence.  How for periods of their life they had such joy in fellowship with Jesus.  How they were blessed in soul winning; and fe more
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Keeping Requires Power
Wrangell Seventh-day Adventist Church Blog
7M ago
We have been discussing how we are kept by God. This keeping of God is  not only all-inclusive and complete, it is also an almighty keeping.  I hope we will consider this truth until it is burned into our soul; where we  want to worship our wonderful Lord and Savior until we are consumed  with the truth that God is All Powerful and Omnipotent. And this All  Powerful God offers Himself to work and live in your and my hearts.  It is almost beyond our ability to imagine that by simply asking, believing  and putting aside all barriers we can be linked with Omnipo more
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Keeping Includes All 2
Wrangell Seventh-day Adventist Church Blog
7M ago
We have been discussing how we are kept by the power of God and that  his keeping is a complete keeping. Our God keeps us during times of  prosperity, and in the hard times.  Some think that God can and does keep us from doing great sins of  wickedness, but when it comes to the small harmless sins we cannot  expect God to be bothered. It is through discipline and years of self-will  that these sins are conquered.  We hear of a fellow believer falling into a grievous sin and we realize, that  could have been me. Thank you God for keeping us from that sin more
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Keeping Includes All
Wrangell Seventh-day Adventist Church Blog
7M ago
Last week we discussed how we are kept by the power of God. This  keeping is also all-inclusive! It is important that we fully comprehend that it  is us, it is you, it is me that is kept. And we are not kept somewhat or  mostly, we are kept fully and completely! It is very easy for us to get lazy and despondent in our walk with Jesus, where we see Him as a force that  takes care of our general well being, but is not concerned with the little  things going on in our life that seem unimportant. Our God wants to be a  personal friend that discusses and goes through e more
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Kept By The Power of God
Wrangell Seventh-day Adventist Church Blog
7M ago
As we continue our study on absolute surrender. Our surrender to God the  Father, Jesus our Savior and God the Holy Spirit is the key to our  relationship and growth in our walk with Jesus. This week we will be  looking at what it means to be kept by the Power of God!   Let's begin in 1 Peter 1:3-5  "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according  to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the  resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible   and undefiled and that do more
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Lacking the Fruit of the Spirit Pt. 2
Wrangell Seventh-day Adventist Church Blog
7M ago
This week we are going to look at how we yield to the Holy Spirit. In a  continued effort to be totally open with you, I have to admit that this has  been the greatest challenge in my walk with Jesus. Thankfully for me and  everyone of us, our Lord is desperate to lead us to restoration if we are  willing to be led. God's answer is very simple and easy. If our train has  jumped the track and we have been ignoring the Holy Spirit, or gotten  caught up in trying to serve God in our strength; then like the Galatians we  have no other way of returning than to go more
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Lacking the Fruit of the Spirit
Wrangell Seventh-day Adventist Church Blog
7M ago
Last time we discussed the dangers of neglecting the Holy Spirit. This  week I would like to look at the proof, or indicators that a church or person  has followed in the path of the Galatians and is serving God in the power  of the flesh. Is there a danger that you and I have jumped the track and are  unwittingly trying to following Jesus in our own strength?  The answer is really very simple. Religious self-effort always ends in sinful  self-worship. What were the Galatians trying to do? They were trying to be  justified by the works of the law. They wanted more
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Neglecting the Holy Spirit
Wrangell Seventh-day Adventist Church Blog
7M ago
We have been spending a lot of time looking at the Holy Spirit; and I am so  thankful that we are. This is all important in the Christian walk and has  eternal consequences in each of our lives. Last week we looked at the  necessity of receiving the Holy Spirit, and this week I want to discuss the  danger of neglecting the Holy Spirit!  We are all familiar with what it means for a train to switch tracks. A  locomotive with its long line of cars headed in one direction; and coming to an intersection they may switch to another direction. If this takes place  at more
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