Dude...You're Clueless
Goffstown Harvest Christian Church Blog
by Pastor Joseph Johnsick
7M ago
“Phillip said to Him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is sufficient for us. Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me Phillip…” John 14:8-9 As of this writing, I have been walking with the Lord for well over thirty years. I have had a lot of experiences in God. I have seen Him do marvelous things for myself, and those around me. I have watched Him heal bodies and save souls. He has enlightened minds and exalted saints to ministry. I have seen many miracles of provision when nothing was around and there was no possible way or means in sight. Food…bills…t ..read more
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Politics...The Bible…and LGBTQ
Goffstown Harvest Christian Church Blog
by Pastor Joe Johnsick
7M ago
Yep...I’m “going there.” May only the most courageous proceed and that at their own peril! What got me thinking about this article and figuring it's time to address some things is seeing a recent Franklin Graham tweet that has a bunch of folks really up in arms. It's become kind of a big deal with both sides throwing their own salvos. That of course produces collateral damage usually in the form of good people on both sides being misunderstood and hurt. Like that is something new, right? His (Graham's) comments concern homosexuality and a certain presidential candidate believing and proudly d ..read more
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Danger Will Robinson!
Goffstown Harvest Christian Church Blog
by Pastor Joseph Johnsick (PJ)
7M ago
This article is a re-edit of a simpler post I had written concerning Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the "Green New Deal" she had put forward. As I reread the original post, I found that in some of my comments I came across quite "sharp". I do stand by my observations. And those that will develop more fully in this piece. If someone does not know where I am coming from in the sense of the background of where certain attitudes and lenses developed, it can be interpreted these are just one more example of another "angry conservative" or bigoted Christian. And in today's media climate, more than ev ..read more
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I Can See!
Goffstown Harvest Christian Church Blog
by Pastor Joseph Johnsick (PJ)
7M ago
“…the eyes of your heart (spirit man) being enlightened…” Ephesians 1:18 I just had one of those amazing epiphany moments this morning, appreciating afresh how brilliant our God is. Actually, the word “amazing” is as lacking in the ability to define these types of experiences, as “wet” is lacking the ability to describe sitting at the bottom of the ocean floor! The following thought I had in prayer today resulted in another "I get it now!" moment. I love those by the way...when in an instant, enigmas you may have had for years are answered and you walk away saying "I knew there had to be a le ..read more
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The Balancing Act
Goffstown Harvest Christian Church Blog
by Pastor Joseph Johnsick (PJ)
7M ago
Greetings. It’s been quite some time since I have written a focused article for the website and I am way overdue. Let’s fix that… today. The ministry is going great. My family and I are blessed and prospered; and we have great hope and faith in all that the Lord is doing. And yet, I am convinced we are right on the cusp of breaking into a new and wonderful season for myself and those I am fortunate to serve with. This has produced an unsettling within me. That’s not bad by the way. It’s the Lord’s way of saying “Get ready. More to come and you need to be prepared for it.” For a while I have b ..read more
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Hell is Real...Logical...Scientific. And You Don't Want to Go There! Here's How:
Goffstown Harvest Christian Church Blog
by joejohnsick
7M ago
"A Christ not in us is the same as a Christ not ours. If we are only so far with Christ as to own and receive the history of His birth, person, and character, if this is all that we have of Him, we are as much without Him, as much left to ourselves, as little helped by Him, as those evil spirits that cried out "We know who you are, the Holy One of God!" William Law Have you ever heard or even said yourself about someone "They just "get it""? When someone "gets it", it means that they have a real good understanding of something. And, they can usually also explain those things in such a way tha ..read more
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The Two Trees: "Revelation" or "Interpretation"
Goffstown Harvest Christian Church Blog
by Pastor Joseph Johnsick
7M ago
Just What Are You Thinking? Greetings. I'm in the middle of a fast right now and having a great time in the Lord. I'm so hungry for the things of God sometimes I just can't stand it. Just the other day while I was praying, I looked up a few messages by a fellow that is well known among other things for his Calvinistic leanings and the defense of those perspectives. I have heard of him more than once and had checked him out briefly a few times through the years. He had some good things to say. Nothing I wrote home to mom about...but good. So I pulled up a few of his teachings to see if there w ..read more
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Election Hangover
Goffstown Harvest Christian Church Blog
by Pastor Joseph Johnsick
7M ago
Here is an article I wrote on my Facebook account recently. Frankly, I was getting disgusted how "over the top" the doomsday proclamations being made by many folks were. Most of these declarations are baseless and full of uncontrolled emotion. I wrote this in response to maybe bring some sobriety and even keel thinking concerning what is going on. Enjoy: Since the election, I am amazed at how those who did not vote for Trump, are spouting apocalyptic declarations and condemnations of how he will "ruin the world" or how "absolutely scared they are"..."America has now licensed bigotry and hate ..read more
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Seasons Have Changed and Storm's are Brewing!
Goffstown Harvest Christian Church Blog
by Pastor Joe Johnsick
7M ago
"Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it, for their evil has come up before me.” But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD. He went down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish. So he paid the fare and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish, away from the presence of the LORD. But the LORD hurled a great wind upon the sea, and there was a mighty tempest on the sea, so that the ship threatened to break up." Jonah 1:1-4 I was reading the Book of Jonah recently. As I was ..read more
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Mickey Mouse Has Left The Building!
Goffstown Harvest Christian Church Blog
by Pastor Joe Johnsick
7M ago
Hello friends. I've been in a really great series on Sunday's concerning the Kingdom of Heaven and the very real conflict we are involved in with both seen and unseen forces that frankly; really don't have the best things in mind for us common folks. And clearly from their perspective, the "low hanging fruit" is our children. That the media, including the entertainment industry, and Christian values normally are harder to mix than oil and water is not a new secret. Conservatives and Christians have been lamenting the excesses of the entertainment industry and those presented as the highest ach ..read more
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