The South Carolina Study Center Blog
The South Carolina Study Center exists to display Christian Hospitality and promote Christian Wisdom
The South Carolina Study Center Blog
4M ago
On Breaking Spells
One of my central tasks is to explain to people the nature and purpose of a Christian study center. I often say something simple like “it’s a hub of Christian community and learning at a secular university,” or “it’s a place that shows students they can love God with all their mind.” Recently, however, another phrase has stuck in my mind: “It’s a place for breaking spells.” Let me explain.
Daniel Dennett, the prominent atheist and relentless critic of religion, recently passed away. His most notable book was Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon. Dennett joi more
The South Carolina Study Center Blog
7M ago
End of Year Update (& look ahead)
The pioneer missionary Hudson Taylor once said: “There are three stages in every great work of God: first, it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done.” Perhaps no one should presume at the outset to be doing a “great work,” yet I can say with confidence that in 2023 The South Carolina Study Center went from being an impossible to a difficult work. It is a stage that we gladly embrace and for which we thank God. It is also a stage into which I’d like to invite you to be a part. To that end, I want to offer some highlights from our launch this more
The South Carolina Study Center Blog
7M ago
Why a Building?
Why do you need a building? Why incur such big costs for a new and unproven ministry? To understand why The South Carolina Study Center is committed to being a place, not just an organization, it is important to understand the concept of a “social imaginary.”
Our house - 1711 Pendleton St
For good reason, Christians have long talked about the faith in terms of a distinctive “worldview.” “These men,” complain the leaders of a mob in Thessalonica, “have turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). Christians see reality through the lens of the cross, making their view of the more
The South Carolina Study Center Blog
7M ago
Launch Event: Christianity’s Challenge to the Modern University (Oct 26)
In ancient Athens, Luke tells us, “all the Athenians and the foreigners who lived there would spend their time in nothing except telling or hearing something new” (Acts 17:21). Luke’s observation—half compliment, half put-down—shows both the promise and peril of intellectual environments. The desire to learn is virtuous—in fact, it provided Paul an opportunity to share the gospel—but in a fallen world pride and idolatry often sabotage genuine understanding. Most of Paul’s hearers were intellectually curious and ready to more
The South Carolina Study Center Blog
7M ago
Christian Formation and the Importance of Place
Across two decades in the middle of the twentieth century, several friends and scholars met at an Oxford pub, the Eagle and the Child, to discuss literature and university life. The Inklings—this informal group of Christian scholars—did not have big ambitions, and J.R.R Tolkien had no idea The Lord of the Rings, first read and discussed in this place, would become one of the great works of Western literature. This group of world class scholars and Christians simply needed time together, recognizing that their life and work was impoverished by a more