Calvary Chapel of Lexington Blog
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Calvary Chapel of Lexington Blog
10M ago
Personal Thanksgiving and Prayer
Paul expresses deep gratitude and joy for the Philippians. How can we cultivate a similar attitude of thankfulness and joy in our prayers for others?
Related Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Partnership in the Gospel
What does it mean to you to be in partnership with others in the gospel? How can we strengthen our partnerships within our own church community?
Related Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-14
Confidence in God’s Work
Paul is confident that God will complete the good work He began in the Philippians. How does this assurance affect your view of ..read more
Calvary Chapel of Lexington Blog
10M ago
Understanding Spiritual Strength:
Ephesians 6:10 says, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.” How do you interpret the concept of being strong in the Lord? Are there specific Bible verses or personal experiences that help you understand this strength? (Related Scripture: Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”)
Recognizing Spiritual Battles:
Ephesians 6:11-12 speaks of standing against the schemes of the devil and wrestling against spiritual forces. How do you recognize spiritual battles in your life? Can you share an instance w ..read more
Calvary Chapel of Lexington Blog
10M ago
How does the command for children to obey their parents in Ephesians 6:1 connect with the broader theme of honoring authority throughout this passage? How does this principle apply in different stages of life, from childhood to adulthood? (Related passages: Colossians 3:20, Exodus 20:12)
In verse 4, fathers are instructed not to provoke their children to anger but to bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. What are some practical ways parents can accomplish this balance of discipline and nurturing in today’s culture? (Related passages: Proverbs 22:6, Deuteronomy 6:6-7)
Ve ..read more
Calvary Chapel of Lexington Blog
11M ago
In Ephesians 5:1, Paul urges believers to imitate God as beloved children. What does it mean to you to imitate God in your daily life? How can we practically apply this command?
Ephesians 5:8 describes believers as once being in darkness but now being light in the Lord. How has your life changed since coming to faith, and how does being “light” influence your interactions with others?
Verse 10 encourages believers to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. How do we cultivate spiritual discernment in our lives, and why is it important for our walk with God?
Ephesians 5:15-16 exhorts us to walk w ..read more
Calvary Chapel of Lexington Blog
11M ago
In Ephesians 4:1, Paul urges believers to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which they have been called. How do you personally define a “worthy” walk in light of your understanding of God’s calling in your life?
Reflecting on verses 2-3, which qualities listed by Paul—humility, gentleness, patience, love—do you find most challenging to embody in your daily interactions with others? How can we cultivate these qualities more intentionally?
Verse 3 emphasizes the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Why do you think peace is crucial for maintaining unity within the body of Christ? H ..read more
Calvary Chapel of Lexington Blog
11M ago
How does Paul’s description of himself as a “prisoner for Christ Jesus” in verse 1 resonate with your understanding of the challenges and sacrifices of following Christ in today’s world?
In verse 2, Paul speaks of the stewardship of God’s grace given to him for the Gentiles. How can we discern and fulfill our own God-given call in serving others, both believers and non-believers, in our communities?
Reflecting on verse 6, how does the concept of Gentiles being fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus impact your view of inclusivity and unity within t ..read more
Calvary Chapel of Lexington Blog
1y ago
How do the reactions of the women at the tomb, from fear to amazement, mirror our own responses to encountering the resurrected Christ in our lives today?
Discuss the significance of the inclusion of Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome as witnesses to the resurrection, particularly in the cultural context of the time.
Reflecting on the disciples’ initial disbelief of the women’s report, how might doubts and skepticism hinder our ability to fully embrace the reality of Christ’s resurrection in our own lives?
How does the concept of baptism and belief being intertwined in verse ..read more
Calvary Chapel of Lexington Blog
1y ago
In Ephesians 2:11-22, Paul talks about the reconciliation between Jews and Gentiles through Christ. How does this concept of reconciliation apply to modern-day societal divisions, and what role does Christ play in bridging those divides?
Verse 12 mentions that before Christ, Gentiles were “alienated from the commonwealth of Israel.” How do you think being spiritually alienated affects individuals today, and how can believers help those who feel spiritually isolated find their place in the community of faith?
Paul emphasizes the idea of Christ being our peace in verse 14. How can we experience ..read more
Calvary Chapel of Lexington Blog
1y ago
In what ways have you personally experienced the effects of being “dead in trespasses and sins” before coming to faith in Christ? How does recognizing our spiritual bankruptcy apart from God’s grace shape our understanding of salvation?
How does the concept of being “sons of disobedience” in Ephesians 2:2 relate to the broader theme of rebellion against God throughout Scripture? How can understanding the root of our spiritual condition lead to greater humility and dependence on God’s mercy?
In Ephesians 2:4-5, we see the profound contrast between our spiritual state before and after God’s inte ..read more
Calvary Chapel of Lexington Blog
1y ago
How do you view the authority of Scripture in relation to scientific discoveries and theories? Are there areas where you see potential tension or harmony between the two?
How do scientific theories about the origin of the universe, such as the Big Bang model, align or diverge from the Genesis creation account? How do we reconcile these perspectives?
In what ways does the concept of fine-tuning in the universe challenge or affirm your beliefs about God’s involvement in creation?
What theological implications do you see in the fine-tuning of the universe? How does this aspect of creation shape o ..read more