Understanding our new confirmation curriculum
Luther House of Study News
by Andrea Van Essen
1w ago
Looking for more information on Luther House of Study’s brand new confirmation curriculum? You’ve come to the right place!  We were excited to launch our ..read more
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Get to know our staff: Deirdre Lapp
Luther House of Study News
by Andrea Van Essen
3w ago
If you have studied with Luther House or inquired about any of our learning opportunities in the past two years, you’ve almost certainly encountered our ..read more
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Pastor’s Perspective: Jeff Backer
Luther House of Study News
by Andrea Van Essen
2M ago
Pastor Jeff Backer is a 2018 graduate of our seminary program, and he currently serves a specialized ministry call at St. Dysmas Lutheran Church, the congregation behind the walls of the South Dakota State Penitentiary system. He recently shared his story with us, as well as some of the things he appreciates most about our ministry.  We’re grateful for Pastor Jeff’s dedication and his gracious testimonial. Keep reading below.  Tell us about yourself and your current role. I’m a second career pastor. I have been ordained now for six years. My wife of 28 years, Marnie, also works in th ..read more
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Pastor’s Perspective: Andrea Taphorn
Luther House of Study News
by Andrea Van Essen
4M ago
We are grateful for our network of pastors and ministry partners who have supported us and provided thoughtful reflections about their experiences as students.  Pastor Andrea Taphorn was ordained in September 2023 and now serves a congregation in sunny San Diego, CA. She shared her insights with us as a recent graduate of our Kairos program.  We’re grateful for Andrea’s service to her community and her gracious testimonial. Check out what she had to say below! Tell us a bit about yourself and your path to Lutheran ministry.  I was ordained in September, and I’m currently servin ..read more
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What We’re Reading: Where God Meets Man with Sarah Stenson
Luther House of Study News
by Andrea Van Essen
6M ago
Reading excellent theology is naturally a key element of the educational experience here at Luther House.  We sat down with Sarah Stenson to discuss one of our foundational texts, Where God Meets Man by Gerhard O. Forde.  Sarah shares some of her takeaways and explains why this text stands as a cornerstone in Lutheran education, offering clarity and depth to students at any level.  She also recounts the powerful influence Forde had on her own theological understanding, solidifying her confession through his honest perspective rooted solely in Scripture.  Check out the Q& ..read more
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Who should go to seminary?
Luther House of Study News
by Andrea Van Essen
7M ago
Understanding vocation and the call to Lutheran ministry Have you ever wondered about the possibility of attending seminary? Perhaps people in your life have mentioned it to you, or you simply feel a tug toward Lutheran ministry.  The decision to attend seminary is one rooted in the value of education and the Lutheran understanding of vocation. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at these elements and demonstrate the purpose of a seminary education. We pray that you find this information helpful if you are considering seminary. Prospective students are always welcome to reach out to us ..read more
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Get to know our Lutheran Reformation series
Luther House of Study News
by Andrea Van Essen
7M ago
If you’ve explored the Luther House of Study website, you may have come across our Resource Library — a collection of all the educational resources we have created, including videos and study guides.  These are available to you at no cost, to use in a ministry setting or as individual resources. This library is a wealth of knowledge on Lutheran theology, with hundreds of videos on various topics, including the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Supper, Baptism, Lutheran Vocabulary, Vocation and so much more. These resources have been collected and assembled over years of teaching; some are ..read more
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Hymn Feature: “Rise, Shine, You People!” 
Luther House of Study News
by Andrea Van Essen
7M ago
ELW 665 — “Rise, Shine, You People!” — ᴡᴏᴊᴛᴋɪᴇᴡɪᴇᴄᴢ Selecting suitable hymns for a Reformation Day service seems like a straightforward task, right? A simple Google search tells us that Martin Luther himself wrote over 35 hymns. Surely one or two of these should be worth singing, especially for those who brand themselves Lutheran. In fact, Luther’s popularity as a poet and composer extends even to the most devout Roman Catholic parishioner, whose hymnals list his most popular tune — “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” — alongside ancient chants of the faith. With what seems like an open-and-sh ..read more
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Pastor’s Perspective: Craig Wexler
Luther House of Study News
by Andrea Van Essen
7M ago
Here at Luther House, we are grateful to have a strong network of pastors and ministry partners across the country, and internationally as well.  Pastor Craig Wexler serves a congregation just a few hours away from us in Pierre, South Dakota at Lutheran Memorial Church, and he recently shared a bit of his story, as well as some of the things he appreciates most about our ministry.  We’re grateful for Pastor Wexler’s service to his community and his gracious testimonial. Check out what he had to say below! Tell us a little about yourself and your path to becoming a pastor. I was orda ..read more
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Hymn Feature: “Come, Follow Me, the Savior Spake”
Luther House of Study News
by Andrea Van Essen
7M ago
ELW 799 – “Come, Follow Me, the Savior Spake” – MACHS MIT MIR, GOTT Previous hymn studies as part of this blog seemed to form something of a series, beginning with a hymn of Christmas and later, a hymn of Easter — both major festivals in the life of the Church. This post is shared as Christians experience the long “green” season — a time we call “after Pentecost” and a period the Roman Catholic branch of our Lord’s Church labels “ordinary time.” In contrast to festival seasons and festival days, it is admittedly more difficult to choose an all-purpose summer hymn to study around this time of y ..read more
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