If You Give a Muslim a Cookie
Red Mesa Fellowship Blog
7M ago
I asked, "What made an impression?" He said, "I was the kindest Christian he had ever met and that in Islam, making friends with Allah’s enemies was forbidden ..read more
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A Life Orbiting Christ
Red Mesa Fellowship Blog
7M ago
The disciples’ lives now no longer revolved around themselves, but around Jesus Christ and His mission… and the entire world was changed because of it ..read more
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Interpreting the Bible with Confidence
Red Mesa Fellowship Blog
7M ago
It does not take a theology degree or a special anointing to understand the Bible. It only takes a person who is willing to commit to the work of understanding a passage based on context. Context of the verses that precede, context of the book itself, and context of the historical relevance. These can all be observed from the Bible itself. With these tools, any preacher can be challenged by any person if that person simply exercises the mind that God gave them ..read more
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Make Spanking Great Again
Red Mesa Fellowship Blog
7M ago
There is a topic that I have been meaning to address lately and it is one that will no doubt be in conflict with the ways of the world. When it comes to spanking your children ..read more
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Checking Boxes, or Time with the Lord?
Red Mesa Fellowship Blog
7M ago
What does your daily time with the Lord look like? It seems as though the current trend is often to think of “time with the Lord” simply as synonymous with “Bible reading plan ..read more
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