Our Lady of Mississippi Abbey Blog
Our Lady of Mississippi Abbey Blog
7M ago
We have had a very good harvest this year with many surprises. In spite of the drought both our garden and orchards did very well. We had a good tomato and potato harvest, along with many other vegetables.We put up lots of tomato sauce, pickled beets, sauerkraut and salsa. We also canned plums and pears and froze lots of peaches. The big surprise were the melons. We always plant them but don't get much or if we do they don't ripen well. This years we had wonderfully sweet and delicious cantaloupe and watermelon and they were BIG. One watermelon ..read more
Our Lady of Mississippi Abbey Blog
7M ago
Our Sr. Nettie Gamble celebrated her golden jubilee on July 4th. Mass was celebrated by Dom Brendan Freeman of New Melleray Abbey and Sr. Nettie renewed her monastic vows after the gospel was read.
The day was a combination jubilee celebration and an Independence Day celebration. After Mass we had a festive meal, all of the fare being 4th of July picnic food. The community was joined by 14 members of Sr. Nettie's family and many friends. It was a great time!
Sr. Nettie receiving a blessing.
Sr. Nettie signing her vows ..read more
Our Lady of Mississippi Abbey Blog
7M ago
On June 22nd our Sr. Kathy celebrated her Golden Jubilee of 50 years of profession as a Cistercian nun. Kathy is one of two sisters who are from Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Kathy renewed her vows at Mass with Mother Rebecca and Dom Brendan present. Her two sisters were here, along with other relatives and friends and New Melleray monks.
After Mass we had a celebratory meal with all of our guests.
Sr. Kathy renewing her vows
Celebratory meal
Sr. Kathy's family ..read more
Our Lady of Mississippi Abbey Blog
7M ago
Last week we had our yearly retreat. Our retreat director was Sr. Sarah from our Irish house Glencairn. Glencairn is our grandmother house. They founded Wrentham Abbey in Massachusetts who founded us.
Sr. Sarah used Celtic spirituality as the topic for the retreat. We learned a lot and were inspired by the history and holiness of the monks and nuns of Celtic monasticism.
We gifted Sr. Sarah with a pair of overalls and made her an honorary Iowan ..read more
Our Lady of Mississippi Abbey Blog
7M ago
This morning at chapter our Sr. Madeleine renewed her vows for another year. It was a perfect day to do this as the gospel for today was of Mary Magdalene mistaking Jesus for a gardener and then recognized him when he spoke her name. Mary Magdalene is Sr. Madeleine's patroness and is currently preparing our spring garden.
Sr. Madeleine renewing her vows.
Sr. Madeleine making her vow of obedience to Mother Rebecca ..read more
Our Lady of Mississippi Abbey Blog
7M ago
Waiting for the Vigil to begin.
All of the sisters went to New Melleray Abbey, our brother house for the Easter Vigil. It was very special for both of our communities as we have never done this before. The vigil began at 4:30 AM in the New Melleray Chapter Room with the lighting of the fire with flint rock. Then the Paschal Candle was lit from the new fire and from that each person had a candle lit to carry in procession. We processed into church and the Exultet was sung by Br. Paul Andrew and Sr. Kathleen. The vigil readings were read and Mass ce ..read more
Our Lady of Mississippi Abbey Blog
7M ago
Dom Bernardus
Last week our new Abbot General, Dom Bernardus Peeters and his secretary, Fr. Raphael came for a four day visit. Dom Bernardus is the former abbot of Tilberg Abbey in the Netherlands. He was elected Abbot General last February at the General Chapter in Assisi, Italy. We each met with him individually and he gave the community four conferences while he was here. It was a wonderful experience to get to know him and to hear his vision for the Order.
  ..read more
Our Lady of Mississippi Abbey Blog
7M ago
This past week and next week are the busiest 2 weeks in our year. All the candy we have made needs to be boxed sealed and shipped to go out to our customers. It is a huge job and everyone drops what they usually do and go over to the shipping department to help. Luckily, everyone likes to ship. It is satisfying to prepare the gifts that are being sent out. Sometimes you recognize a name on a label as someone you know. That is fun. We are grateful to all our candy customers for supporting us by their purchases.
Sr. Grace entering orders ..read more
Our Lady of Mississippi Abbey Blog
7M ago
A few weeks ago we noticed a bird flying around and coming to the bird feeders. It appeared to be all white with a red cap. We don't have all white birds so we started to investigate. We determined the bird to be a leucistic red bellied woodpecker This is a definition given on the web for   ..read more
Our Lady of Mississippi Abbey Blog
7M ago
This past Saturday we pulled out the apple press and pressed our apples for cider. You take turns pressing as it takes a lot of physical strength. There are several steps. First washing and cutting up the apples. Then cutting up the apples more with the cutting machine and finally pressing the apples in the press. We ended up with about 10 gallons. The cider is delicious!
Sr. Annie cutting up apples.
Srs. Harriet & Grace cutting apples.
Srs. Madeleine & Mary using the cutting machine.
Sr. Myra pressing apples ..read more