North Way Christian Community Church Blog
North Way Christian Community, a multi-site, non-denominational church in Pittsburgh, fosters hope and transformation through the gospel of Jesus Christ. With an evangelical tradition, it embraces individuals from diverse church backgrounds, inviting all to know, experience, and follow Jesus. United in love and reconciliation, they strive to reflect Christ authentically, embodying God's..
North Way Christian Community Church Blog
7M ago
Hi North Way! Yesterday and today we were in public schools sharing testimonies and the Gospel with children while also helping them to learn English. It is incredible that we are able to do that here, considering how difficult it would be to do back home. That said I think we should find a way because God is certainly moving through this ministry. There have been a lot of kids making decisions to invite Christ in. I can specifically think of one boy that instantly put up both hands when invited into relationship with Christ.
This week has been incredible and has made me realize how much we ar more
North Way Christian Community Church Blog
7M ago
We are on our way! We can’t wait to be there, and we are so excited about what God is going to do!
Pray that we will be flexible in whatever way God wants to use us.
Thank you for your support!
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North Way Christian Community Church Blog
7M ago
Father, as we finish preparations for our mission trip to Thailand, give us peace and for the events that are about to transpire. Also, help us walk in Your peace, truth and grace. Let our actions and words reflect Your glory. Amen
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North Way Christian Community Church Blog
7M ago
What a way to kick off our time in Panama. After resting up after a day of traveling, our team made its way up the Chagres River to spend the night with the Embera Tribe. While we were there, we swam and played games with the kids, enjoyed some great food, and spent some time learning about their culture and the traditions that are still very much a part of how they live today. We also had an opportunity to run their first ever student ministry program. As fun as it was watching them destroy us in soccer, it was so special to see kids respond to Jesus after hearing the Good News of Jesus Chris more
North Way Christian Community Church Blog
7M ago
We visited Hope 4 Honduras and split into 5 teams. We worked together to play with kids, work on English, and go into the community to feed 300 families. It was a powerful time, and a beautiful reminder that there is hope in the darkness and Jesus shines brighter than anything.
The post Feed the hungry appeared first on North Way Christian Community Church in Pittsburgh, PA more
North Way Christian Community Church Blog
7M ago
We broke into groups and went out to explore and learn by finding 25 different things around the city. We also looked for signs of hope, signs of need, cultural clues and things that we didn’t understand. It was a beautiful time getting to know more about the history, culture and people of Honduras.
The post Scavenger Hunt appeared first on North Way Christian Community Church in Pittsburgh, PA more
North Way Christian Community Church Blog
7M ago
We met up with the BGU team and Pastor Bryan in the city, and got to do a bit of exploring before we headed home to meet our amazing host families. Today, we are exploring and learning more about the culture and what God is doing.
The post Arrived + Meeting the BGU team! appeared first on North Way Christian Community Church in Pittsburgh, PA more
North Way Christian Community Church Blog
7M ago
How have I grown in the past week?
I have grown in many ways; thanks to God! I have learned lots of skills and life lessons, while also growing in self-awareness and self-gift. My intimacy with our God has deepened and my understanding of who I am as his beloved child has grown stronger. I’m beyond grateful for this opportunity.
How have I seen the Lord working in my life this past week? I have seen the Lord working very intentionally on my heart over this past week. He’s really been showing me the beauty and goodness in all the emotions I experience, and how He wants me to bring all of what I more
North Way Christian Community Church Blog
7M ago
I am not a school teacher. As a nurse, I educate patients and families as they learn how to care for themselves at home, but then the leave and I try not to see them again for a progress report. For three days, we ran “English Camp” for secondary students at three different schools in Northern Thailand. At the second school in the mountains, a greater number of students seemed daunting, but the S2S alumn- now English conversations teacher- organized classroom helpers that made the day the best of all.
Audrey and I ran the Basic Conversation group, John and Jeannie ran the Creation Storytime gr more