Plateau Christian Church Blog
Plateau Christian Ch
Plateau Christian Church Blog
7M ago
A young woman in our congregation posted, "I just want to say that I love my church family. You are amazing," on her social media account shortly after services this morning. I've been thinking about them quite a bit lately and I would have to agree. The young woman in question has a father suffering from stage 4 cancer - he also happens to be one of our elders. As this congregation pours out love to her and her family, it is no wonder she has come to such a conclusion. I am amazed, because their family is not the only family in this small congregation facing a major he more
Plateau Christian Church Blog
7M ago
Attributes of God – God’s Love
God’s love is the divine attribute that indicates God’s disposition to be self-giving and for the good of the other.
Suggestions for Individual Study
1. As you begin each study, pray that God will speak to you through his Word.
2. Read the introduction to the study and respond to the personal reflection question or exercise. This is designed to help you focus on God and on the theme of the study.
3. Each study deals with a particular passage—so that you can delve into the author’s meaning in that context. Read and reread the passage to be studied. The questions a more