Pastor Andrew Ray Blog
Pastor Andrew Ray is a Bible-believing preacher, teacher, and pastor at Antioch Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Pastor Andrew Ray Blog
7M ago
Over thirty of the fifty-four references to jealousy in the Bible ascribe this virtue as belonging to God. Several other references are attributed to men of God (in a godly sense). In fact, it appears that there are only two references in the Bible that could be construed as an inappropriate jealousy. The confusion concerning jealousy occurs when people think of jealousy in the same fashion that they think of envy more
Pastor Andrew Ray Blog
7M ago
The New Testament church was a mystery in Old Testament times. Because of this, many of the doctrines so prevalent to the New Testament Christian were not alluded to in Old Testament scriptures, nor did they enter the minds and hearts of Old Testament saints. Silence within Old Testament scripture concerning any New Testament church age doctrine should be no cause of alarm today. God’s revelation of truth has been progressive throughout man’s history and many truths “kept secret since the world began,” are now “made manifest” (Romans 16:25-26). Paul frequently testified of doctrinal truths tha more
Pastor Andrew Ray Blog
7M ago
The Little Maid Who Saved a Captain is a children's Bible story and coloring book. It is 46 pages and contains the story of the little maid, coloring pages depicting the story, and activities to match.
The Summary: The little maid lived in a foreign land among strangers, yet she never forgot her homeland or her God. When her master could find no relief from his leprosy, the little maid knew he could receive healing from the God of Israel. One day, the little maid boldly approached her master's wife and recommended a visit to the prophet of God where she was certain her master could get help f more
Pastor Andrew Ray Blog
7M ago
Have you ever considered why the weekly meetings of your church are called worship services? Before proceeding, it would do us well to lay a foundation by defining a few Bible terms. Simply put, the word church means congregation. This can easiest be determined by comparing Psalm 22:22 with Hebrews 2:12. That being said, the church is not the building, but the congregated people meeting. This is why the old-timers used to identify the building as the meetinghouse. The very presence of the word church indicates the gathering together or congregating of people. Furthermore, two related words to more
Pastor Andrew Ray Blog
7M ago
You Are Made Up of Three Parts
The Bible teaches us that every man, woman, boy, and girl is made up of three parts. Those three parts are known as spirit, soul, and body. This can be seen in 1Thessalonians 5:23, where the Bible says, “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
The Body
The body is the part that can be seen by others. It is the shell in which you live.
The Spirit
When we speak of your spirit, we are not speaking of the Holy Spirit also known as the Spirit of more
Pastor Andrew Ray Blog
7M ago
The Greatest Problem Plaguing Our Planet
Everyone recognizes that the earth has changed considerably over the ages. The paradise inhabited by our earliest ancestors is worlds apart from the planet we inhabit today. Man’s influence has certainly taken its toll. Who or what bears responsibility for this travesty? Our quest for discovery must begin by considering the character of the original paradise.
The Original Paradise
Overpopulation, pollution, and water and soil contamination were nonexistent when our earliest ancestors called the earth their home. A mist went up from the earth’s surface t more
Pastor Andrew Ray Blog
7M ago
The name Saul was likely a prominent name among the Israelites and one that was given in honour. After all, the first king the nation knew was named Saul. Upon consideration of these truths, I have often wondered if Saul of Tarsus (later the apostle Paul), whose family obviously elevated their Jewish heritage (Acts 22:3), was named after the first king. With that in mind, consider the similarities between the two men.
Both were Benjamites.
King Saul was a Benjamite (1 Samuel 9:21).
Saul of Tarsus was of the tribe of Benjamin (Philippians 3:5).
Both were transitional men.
King Saul was the t more
Pastor Andrew Ray Blog
7M ago
This month several members of my family were privileged to vote for the office of President of the United States of America. We do indeed count this as a privilege, understanding that many people across the world have no say in the selection of the leaders of their nations. While I personally have numerous complaints about both parties and how they have led our nation, I am thankful to still have a say, albeit small, in the direction we pursue over the next four years.
For those who are not aware, our family is a Bible-believing, God-fearing family. This truth does not just direct our ways on more
Pastor Andrew Ray Blog
7M ago
Whether we know it or not, we are all burdened with a certain level of baggage. Some of this baggage comes from our past, but new baggage is consistently accumulating. Before the naysayers jump in to suggest this assessment is unscriptural, one ought to consider the fighters that gathered themselves together unto David in 1 Samuel 22:1-2.
The baggage brought by David's troops was not unlike baggage carried by men today. They were in distress, in debt, and discontented. No doubt, these problems were due to failed governments, failed civilization, and parental failures. These men likely saw ever more
Pastor Andrew Ray Blog
7M ago
I cannot recall a single time in my life when men acknowledged or spoke more openly of depression and its consequences. Some have ridiculed those who battle depression and suggested they are weak-minded Christians. Others have suggested that depression has nothing to do with spiritual deficiencies and is only treatable with medication. The truth is likely somewhere in the middle of these extremes.
Sadly, one of the lesser noticed truths is that a large number of preachers, missionaries, and evangelists across the country also struggle with depression. After all, the weight of the world is on t more