Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
Blog | Oregon City Church of Christ
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
1M ago
Grace mercy and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
This year we received low rainfall and we thought our winter season could change but all the months were too cold. Many farmers lost their tomatoes plants from frost. July recorded no rain, and the sky was ever blue. Years back we received rain in July. This season the month was very cold and dry.
The first week we baptized Bro and sister Mutava. l was not feeling well from June until the end of July. The second week my wife went to Honde Valley, to their homestead to witness the payment of ..read more
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
1M ago
Ron Writes We were blessed by another summer preaching intern. Hunter did a marvelous job! There is something so magnetic about the vigor and enthusiasm of youth! Add to that the sweetness and charm of a southern gentleman and there’s no telling of the great things that can be done for the kingdom. Some wit once famously declared, “the trouble with youth is they waste it on young people.” I can confidently say that nothing is being wasted here. These young men (there were 5 young men who were part of this year’s intern program), used their youthful zeal to the glory of God. Potent ..read more
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
1M ago
Ron Writes Everyone has two lists. There’s the list of all the trials and troubles, past and present. All the pain, the hurts, and injustices we have endured. Then there’s the second list. It contains all the blessings and good things in life, past and present. Most of us are blessed beyond what we deserve. How are you doing? It depends on which list you’re focusing on. Paul told those at Philippi, to “rejoice in the Lord” (4:1). Then he reminded them of all the dangers and trials they faced. So how can one rejoice with these things threatening us? Paul says, “this one thing I do: forge ..read more
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
1M ago
Calvary greetings to you all Brethren. I hope and trust that this report finds you well. We are so grateful for the Lord’s grace that showers our lives as we are going through difficult times in this country due to hunger crisis. However, this does not discourage us to continue preaching and teaching the gospel to the lost.
During the first week of July 2024 myself and the other two men in our congregation visited Tokoyo village. We met different ages as we did our door to door knocking. Many of these people whom we met were very kin to learn listening to the gospel. Some ..read more
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
2M ago
Ron Writes How much can I drink before I’m considered drunk? People ask the wrong question. The command isn’t thou shall not be drunk. The admonition is “be sober.” To think clearly and be in control is the goal. Young people used to ask, where does it say in the Bible that I can’t smoke marijuana? Again, it’s the wrong question. The real question should be, how can I be under the control of God? How can I be filled with the Spirit? The challenge is to “be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise” (Eph. 5:15). It's a matter of emphasis and focus. Hell is taught in Scripture, but the ..read more
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
2M ago
Dear Brethren.
Greetings to you all in Jesus name. Hope this report finds you all in good health. We thank God for his divine protection during the month of June. It was indeed a cold month associated with cold and many people were greatly attacked by strong flu similar to COVID.
On the first two weeks of June, 2024 we visited Mbiriri village which is about 16 km east from Mutungagore Church. Mbiriri village is one of the areas that has been neglected for decades due to its remoteness and village allocation. There is not even a congregation there. It is an area dominated by Pen ..read more
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
2M ago
Ron Writes For years, the main emphasis I put on the Lord’s supper was the blood. Without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness. It’s the blood of the new covenant. He made peace with us by the blood of the cross. There was much to meditate on when it came to the fruit of the vine. The body? Well, of course He had a body. It was broken. He suffered. It was raised again. From the virgin birth to the resurrection, the body means so much! He was born. He took on flesh and became a man. Emmanuel. God with us. He dwelt among us. God came to earth. Of all the religions in the world, Chri ..read more
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
3M ago
Ron Writes It’s hard to be ordinary. Everyone wants to be special. The GOAT (Greatest of All Time). The best. The biggest. The strongest. Fastest. I’ve never seen the bumper-sticker “My Child is an Ordinary Student.” We want to think we’re doing something great. We want to make an impact! Ordinary is normal, but it’s not to be confused with boring or apathetic. Ordinary people do most of the living, and dying; working and giving. The Bible says, “to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business…” (1 Thes. 4:11). The result of our prayers should be that “we may lead ..read more
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
3M ago
Grace mercy and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
May started the winter season. The days are short with long nights. In the mornings and nights we experienced much cold but during the day the sky is ever blue. The first week l helped my neighbour's daughter who was critically ill. The second week, together with the church members, we spent our time in the garden. The third week one soul was added to the Lord's church. I visited two kids in Bazel who were not feeling well. On. I attended funerals two consecutive days. The first, of my neighbour's daug ..read more
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
3M ago
Greetings to you all Brethren
It is my hope that this note finds you all in good health. Time really flies! We are already into half of the year. The Lord continues to guide and protect us.
May was one of the coldest months, especially in the evenings and mornings. We saw many people complaining with strong flu accompanied by strong coughing. At first many thought that the COVID 19 is now back.
On the first two weeks of May, 2024 we were busy doing door to door knocking in Chipunza village. We met different ages who were eager to hear the gospel ..read more