God's Commentary on the Cross
Grace Fellowship of Augusta Blog
5M ago
As we approach "Good Friday" and the death of Christ on the cross, we would do well to pause and consider a brief glimpse from Matthew's account as to the meaning of the supernatural events that attended the crucifixion. A few years ago, an Anglican Priest caused quite a furor as he declared "that the church's traditional understanding of the cross of Christ is both 'repu ..read more
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Falling Short of the Glory of God
Grace Fellowship of Augusta Blog
6M ago
, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" What does it mean to "fall short of the glory of God"? It means that none of us has trusted and obeyed God the way we should. Instead we have trusted ourselves. We have turned from his commandments. We thought we knew a better way. InRomans 1:2223it says, "Although they knew God they did not glorify him ..read more
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I'm Kind of Homesick
Grace Fellowship of Augusta Blog
6M ago
, "For he (Abraham) was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God." , "But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city." Hebrew 12:22,"But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the livin ..read more
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America, America, May God Shed His grace on Thee – Again!
Grace Fellowship of Augusta Blog
7M ago
In 1776, King George IIIruled the largest empire that planet earth had ever seen, including the 13 American colonies. To revolt against it and declare independence, from a human perspective, was an invitation to disaster and an imposition of an unprecedented tyranny upon the fledgling nation of America. But our founders did it despite the odds against them and the cost bef ..read more
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What Does It Mean to Make Disciples of All Nations?
Grace Fellowship of Augusta Blog
7M ago
, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations," That is correctly referenced as "The Great Commission" is seldom if ever questioned by evangelical believers, but what that means is a different story. So, what is the Great Commission? Who is to be the object of the mission that we're to co-partner with Jesus in accomplishing? Are we to c ..read more
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Is it Too Late for a Global Awakening?
Grace Fellowship of Augusta Blog
7M ago
Far too many believers think that the world, especially America, has already struck the iceberg of judgment and it is too late to live with any worldview other than that America is like the doomed "Titanic ocean-liner." This being the assumption, a "sinking ship" mentality is necessary due to "prophetic inevitability", i.e., the Bible prophecies that this will be the way i ..read more
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Jesus Met Me on the Morning of My Funeral!
Grace Fellowship of Augusta Blog
7M ago
Jesus Met Me on the Morning of My Funeral CEDRIC KANANA WITH BENJAMIN FISCHER|AUGUST 14, 2023 (This article was taken from Christianity Today magazine.) Rwandan, Cedric Kanana was dressed for burial when Jesus gave him a mission to proclaim his name. "Your blood cleanses me. I praise you, Savior." I heard them singing these words as I approached the church. When she sa ..read more
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Rapture Fever Has Exploded- Again!
Grace Fellowship of Augusta Blog
7M ago
Rapture fever has been around for around 180 years, originating in Plymouth, England around 1830. The virus was carried in a container that has been labeled "Dispensationalism". It remained at a relatively low-level fever until 1970. Then it surged to "raging" levels with the publication of Hal Lindsey's book, The Late Great Planet Earth, which sold 35 million copies. The ..read more
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Reflecting on the Five Greatest Truths of the Reformation!
Grace Fellowship of Augusta Blog
7M ago
As we approach the 506th year since a Catholic monk named Martin Luther initiated what has come to be known as "The Protestant Reformation", on October 31, 1517, we should be prompted to review five truths that not only reformed the church, but literally transformed the world. Among the multiplicities of errors promulgated by the Roman Church, none angered Luther more tha ..read more
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Christmas - Heaven's Rescue Mission!
Grace Fellowship of Augusta Blog
7M ago
Christmas is about an incredible mission effort from Heaven to bring liberation to a sinning people and suffering planet. Christmas was the occasion of God the Father sending God the Son to the Middle East on a deadly rescue mission. Jesus said inLuke 4:18,"The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to he ..read more
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