If Walls Could Talk
Townsend Church Blog
2M ago
IF WALLS COULD TALK | VBS & IN-STATE 2024 These walls would tell you about the child who didn’t know church (VBS) could be fun-cause their last experience with church was a grandfather’s funeral. These walls would tell you about the the high school graduates who chose to focus on their relationship with God, not only their academics. These walls would tell you that kids who look ok on the outside are actually working hard to keep it together. These walls would tell you that both kids and adults dropped their insecurities at the door, chose vulnerability and watched God change lives. These ..read more
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The First Priority
Townsend Church Blog
7M ago
These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through th ..read more
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Townsend Church Blog
7M ago
Will Will – as in choosing to do something, is where crime and charity - justice and injustice - love and hate collide. The issue of personal power as the ability to control what does or does not happen to an individual is central to all human experience. People are happy and content when things go the way they want them to go. Fear – Anxiety - Pain - Comfort - Peace – Happiness – Virtually everything that happens to us in life is related to our will and whether things are going the way we want them to.   There are places where cliffs drop straight down into deep water. Certain people wan ..read more
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Townsend Church Blog
7M ago
  Optics — adjective. Of or relating to the eye or sight.   Our backyard is on the edge of a farm field with an open open view of about 400 yards to the woods. With such a large area to view it can be challenging trying to focus on specifics, so we keep a pair of binoculars by the back door of our house. Many times someone will say “what’s that?”and grab the optics (binoculars) to get a better look. There is a tree that bald eagles sit in regularly. We see deer, foxes, turkeys, groundhogs. We have also seen some unwelcome visitors like a skunk or a raccoon. Frequently we comment how ..read more
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All Things
Townsend Church Blog
7M ago
How do we know what to believe?  Once we know the truth, how do we know we are making good decisions?  As we wake every morning to the pandemic and the government response to it, it is very natural to try to understand what is going on and why certain things are happening. This is normal and healthy. A working knowledge of what is going on around us is necessary to life. It is not poor theology or a lack of faith to check the weather forecast in the morning in order to know how to dress for the day. Cold is a fact of life to be dealt with.  Additionally, understanding choices an ..read more
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High Point Camp: Junior week
Townsend Church Blog
7M ago
Junior Week with Pastor Tim Junior week was so amazing!! Pastor Tim did an absolutely amazing job in all the chapel sessions, it was definitely cool seeing him up there & how all the campers listened so well. Three kids got saved in day camp this week and nineteen in overnight!! Praise God for continuing to do what only He can do! EJ & Ethan team led against each other and it was super fun to watch, but only one could be victorious & it was..... Ethan!!! EJ got slimed pretty bad, I got thrown in the duck pond for pranking the programs team! This weekend was lots of fun, we were abl ..read more
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High Point Camp: Junior Week 1, Day Camp Week 3, and Equip Week 1
Townsend Church Blog
7M ago
Junior Camp & Day Camp God was moving this week in the hearts of junior campers! Forty campers got saved this week between overnight and day camp!! It was a week filled with fun, laughter, cheers, friends, games, singing and dancing, devotions, scripture memory, chapel, worship, and prayer. Equippers Eli, Maddi, and Dez were doing a lot of team building, personality tests, learning from their leaders, and practicing solitude. Yesterday they got back from a long hike/ camping trip and are ready to be campers next week and practice all the leadership skills they’ve learned. From Skylar I got ..read more
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High Point Camp: A Series
Townsend Church Blog
7M ago
SUMMER. The season of sending.  SITTING VS SERVING You'll start to notice more empty seats in the sanctuary. We're ok with that, here's why- Your kids are trading sitting for serving. They are heading out on mission trips, camps, internships, and Christian leadership training. Cheyenne, Ethan, EJ, Julia, Lizzy, Luke, and Skylar are at High Point Camp. Austin has been working there since LAST YEAR!  When you see the empty seats-pray for the ones we've sent, pray for the ones that will fill the seats. *Look for student updates from High Point Camp at the bottom of the page. THREE MORE ..read more
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When You Feel Stuck
Townsend Church Blog
7M ago
We all experience moments when life just feels stuck.  We don’t know what to do next, the situation feels impossible, the weight of our circumstances keeps getting heavier, and we aren’t sure which way to turn.  So many different things can get us to this point.    Finances.  Big decisions.  The unknown.  Relationships.  Health.  Family.  The unexpected.  Anxiety.  Loss.  Change.    What do you do when you feel stuck?  Do you have go-to people you trust to talk to?  Do you prefer to be by yourself, and process ..read more
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Church in Smyrna
Townsend Church Blog
7M ago
 “To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit ..read more
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