Anne Graham Lotz
Bible Study and Ministry Resources | Anne Graham Lotz | AnGeL Ministries
Anne Graham Lotz
1M ago
…You must follow Me. — John 21:22 Rachel-Ruth recently shared the following message with her online Bible study. They were so blessed by it, as I was, that I asked her to write it out because I think you will be blessed by it also. Imagine what it must have been like to be one more
Anne Graham Lotz
1M ago
Read Mark 5:22-24, 35-43 With Strong Friends From the following passages, describe the difference that strong friends made: Exodus 4:12-16; Exodus 17:8-13; Ruth 1:3-9, 16-18, 2:1, 13-17; 2 Kings 2:1-2, 9-14; Jeremiah 38:1-13; Daniel 1:1-20; Daniel 3:1-30; Luke 6:12-16; Acts 13:1-5 From the following passages, describe the difference that weak friends made: Genesis 19:1-9, 23-25 more
Anne Graham Lotz
4M ago
May 19, 2024
You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses… Acts 1:8
Today, on Pentecost Sunday, I am praising God for the fresh enabling power of the Holy Spirit. Before beginning a very intense week I claimed Romans 8:11…And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal body… God kept His promise in an amazingly supernatural way. In addition to the busyness of travel, meetings, taping and speaking, my AFib was out of control.
The following pictures are more
Anne Graham Lotz
4M ago
…They were at their wits’ end. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He brought them out of their distress. — Psalm 107:27-28
The Bible is filled with stories of people at their wits’ end who cried out to the Lord! He then heard and answered by delivering them. The Hebrew children enslaved in Egypt, their entrapment at the Red Sea by the Egyptian army, the three Hebrew men in the fiery furnace, Daniel in the lions’ den, Mary and Martha at the tomb of Lazarus, and so many others too numerous to mention describe that desperate times can be stepping stones of experiencing God’s m more
Anne Graham Lotz
4M ago
When pressures or problems or pain envelop our lives, we tend to trust God…plus our doctor or our lawyer or our counselor or our banker or our leaders or our own effort or our (fill in the blank). Yet God seems to demonstrate His power and glory to those who trust in Him alone. Which is why He often allows us to reach the end of our human resources or run the limit of conventional wisdom before He steps in and does the impossible. The miraculous. So when you are at your wits’ end…
Trust God
Read Psalm How many desperate situations are described? How was each one resolved? What was the f more
Anne Graham Lotz
5M ago
April 6, 2024
…And God said, “Let there be lights in the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs… Genesis 1:14
On Monday, April 8, 2024, the United States will witness the third total eclipse within a seven year period. This is the first time in over 1000 years that any nation has seen something like this. The paths of the three eclipses over our beloved nation form the Hebrew letters that represent the first and last letters of the alphabet… the beginning and the end… the Alpha and the Omega…which is also one of the names the Lord God gives for Himself (Revelation more
Anne Graham Lotz
7M ago
Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus…. — Hebrews 12:1-2a, NIV
Some time ago, while sitting on the porch of a beach house, I was enjoying watching people walk by. I began to be curious as four people approached because I noticed that the two guys were dressed exactly alike, and the two women walking with them were dressed exactly alike! Not only that, the four of them were walking with two dogs that were exactly alike! As I watched, I thought this can’t be! So I closed one eye, and sure enough…there was only one couple walking one dog! When I opened more