Diving Head First: Embracing Fear and Going for It!
by Chelsea Faulkner
2w ago
I’ve never been the kind of woman who figures out all the details before diving into the deep end. As rational as it sounds to learn how to swim instead of embracing fear as if it were a pair of water wings before plunging into 12-foot waters, that just was never my strong suit. Instead, I find myself on a different path. I watch in awe as others make their way off the high dive. They confidently walk to the end of the diving board, bounce once, twice, three times, then gracefully spin their bodies and slice into the water with precision. After admiring their talent for a few minutes, the swi ..read more
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Self-Improvement for Moms: Skills to Learn in Your Spare Time
by Chelsea Faulkner
1M ago
Hey, Mama! Let’s talk about you for a minute. Yes, YOU! Amid the whirlwind of diaper changes, conference calls, and squeezing in that elusive “me-time,” have you ever stopped to think about your personal growth? Today, we’re diving into the empowering world of self-improvement for moms.  Because guess what?  You deserve to thrive, not just survive! **Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. This means I may make money off of anything ordered through a link you click on in this post. Mostly, this pays for the caffine required to keep putting out content like this.** Why Self ..read more
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Powerful Empowerment Books for Working Moms Who Want More
by Chelsea Faulkner
3M ago
Looking for the perfect book to add to your list of empowerment books for working moms? You know the one. That read that is going to inspire you to create the perfect work-life balance for yourself? To rock your family life while moving through your career path like the powerhouse you are?  Girl, aren’t we all? Have you ever heard an audio book you found so empowering you had to buy it in print? One where you just had to hold the pages between your fingers as proof. Proof that the pages really did hold the infinite wisdom you heard?  This is precisely what I have experienced with the ..read more
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Discover the Enchantment: Finding Magic in Everyday Life
by Chelsea Faulkner
4M ago
A couple of years ago, had you talked to me about finding the magic in everyday life, I would likely have looked at you with a glint of hope in my eye and a thought of hokey woo, woo in my head that I quickly dismissed. You see, as of a few years ago, I thought that the people who found the magic in everyday life were only those who could afford to do so. You know when I could afford to find the magic in everyday life? Vacation. Sometimes. Maybe. If there wasn’t a young child who was interrupting my magic moment by screaming “Mooooommmmmyyyyyyy” for the fifteenth time just to tell me that they ..read more
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75 Amazing Work From Home Gifts For Remote Employees
by Chelsea Faulkner
4M ago
Finding good work from home gifts for those remote workers in your company has become increasingly important over the last few years. As we have continued to use a work-from home model, or move more positions to remote positions, it has become harder to decide what to get those employees we do not see on the daily when it comes time for gifting. For your convenience, I have composed the list below of 75 work from home gifts for remote workers that will give you multiple ideas for anyone on your list! From gifts to make them giggle, to empower and inspire them, you will find them all in the gu ..read more
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Avoiding Burnout Syndrome: Essential Tips for Working Moms
by Chelsea Faulkner
5M ago
In the busy arena of today’s workplace, working moms stand as figures of resilience, juggling the increasing demands of family with the ongoing needs of a profession. However, with such strength and determination comes the increasing threat of Occupational Burnout Syndrome (OBS), a silent villain that threatens to dim the spirit of these wonder women. For the working mother, understanding and combating OBS is not just about preserving her professional mentality—it’s about nurturing her own well-being. This guide seeks to shed light on the major issue of mom burnout, offering strategies and ins ..read more
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Top 5 Reasons to Visit the Warm Glow Candle Outlet with Kids
by Chelsea Faulkner
5M ago
Are you looking for a fun, out-of-the-ordinary day trip in Central Indiana with kids? Look no further than a visit to the Warm Glow Candle Outlet with your kids. This candle shop will soon become your family’s favorite place on your list of Indiana roadside attractions! On a chilly Saturday in January, my mom and I set out with the kids with one goal in mind. To find something new to see that was not too far from home. So, where did we land? Approximately one hour outside Indianapolis, just off the Ohio State line at the giant candle on N Centerville Rd. What did we find? A whole lot more tha ..read more
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Initiating Dialogue for the Overwhelmed Working Mom
by Chelsea Faulkner
5M ago
Creating Space for the Overwhelmed Working Mom Overwhelm. I have completely and totally fallen into the trap of becoming an overwhelmed working mom. As a mom and business professional building her brand along with 50-11 other things daily, overwhelmed working mom is a label I carry constantly. The feeling of overwhelm is one that seems to come on slowly in my everyday, but once it presents, it quickly takes over like clockwork. It starts as this nagging little voice in my head around the magic 2pm hour. A little voice that says “You have been up since 5:30am. You have already accomplished so m ..read more
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Being Too Much: A Guide to Embracing Your True Self
by Chelsea Faulkner
5M ago
Being Too Much: Embracing Your True Self “Can you tone it down just a tad? You are being too much.” Have you heard that you are being too much, too? I, for one, have been hearing it my whole life. Sure. At times, the words differed slightly, but the messaging? The messaging stayed the same… “You talk too much.” “You have too much energy” “You are over the top with your positivity.” “Are you always this bubbly?” Sound familiar? Throughout our lives, this programming that we have to stop being too much has been being drilled into us. Stay small. Stay quiet. Remain “status quo,” and you will neve ..read more
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Honest Reasons you Need to be Journaling for Mental Health
by Chelsea Faulkner
5M ago
Journaling for mental health is one of the best self-care activities you can implement into your daily routine.  Not only can it turn into a fun hobby but recording things about your day and the feelings that come along with it can be a really powerful way to help you take control of your emotions, teach you how to deal with stressful situations, identify habits that are setting you back, and so much more. If you’re currently looking for tips on how to become your best self this year, here are some of the reasons why journaling for mental health as a daily habit should be your goal for 2 ..read more
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