Move from Grumbling to Gratitude
Ben Cachiaras Blog
7M ago
There is a French journalist named Alphonse Karr, known all over Europe in the 19th century, whose passion was gardening. His life philosophy came down to this: “Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses.” Gratitude is an attitude. It’s a perspective you choose. Thankfulness is a lens you look through to see the rose, even when you’re bleeding. I wonder what thorns you are bleeding from today? Painful pricks bleed the life out of us. Around our Turkey laden tables are people with pain both private and public. Some with minor wounds that are not mentioned more
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Why St. Patrick’s Day fires me up.
Ben Cachiaras Blog
7M ago
They used to serve green “shamrock shakes” at McDonalds on Broadway. That was about the best thing about St. Patrick’s Day as far as I was concerned. I don’t love parades, and Lucky Charms were never my thing. I don’t really like wearing green. It looks fine on Kermit and I do love it on my front lawn (which is why the brown mud hole I’m looking at is kind of depressing). But I love St. Patrick’s Day now. And I’m not even Irish. Neither was St. Patrick, by the way. (And the Catholic Church never made him a “Saint” either).   Here’s why St. Patrick’s Day fires me up.  Beca more
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Harness the Power of Faith-based Optimism!
Ben Cachiaras Blog
7M ago
Faith-based Optimism When I came to Mountain 21 years ago, during the interview process I was asked for a philosophy of ministry.  I don’t remember everything I said, but I doubt it was ripe with earth-shattering brilliance. But I do remember trying to explain a conviction I felt deep inside, to put words to a value I believe must under-gird everything we do. I called it “faith-based optimism.” I want to be part of a team that operates with a positive outlook.  A team with buoyant energy that churns everyone forward with holy expectancy about what God might do next. I think everyone more
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Lessons Learned from the Life of Martha Rufenacht
Ben Cachiaras Blog
by Mountain Site Admin
7M ago
In 2024 Mountain is celebrating 200 years! A long history like that contains so many stories of faithful followers who have gone before us. I recall hearing about John Wesley who is reported to have once preached outside a church, and to better see the crowds and be heard, he stood atop a great tombstone.  That is a telling image, because in a real sense, we are standing on the shoulders – or grave markers – of incredibly faithful people who have gone before us…and it enables us better to see the future where God is leading us next.  A dear Mountain saint, who lived and served among more
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Books: Some of my favs from 2023
Ben Cachiaras Blog
by Mountain Site Admin
7M ago
“A book is a gift you can open again and again.” — Garrison Keillor I was asked twice this week questions about books I’m reading. “What are you reading?” And an icebreaker at Staff Meeting asked, “Any books that were influential this last year?” I know not everyone likes to read.  And I hesitate to post a picture with a pile of books.  We don’t need any more reasons to feel like we’re behind or not doing enough in life.  But maybe you’re wanting to read more or interested, like I always am, in what others are reading. Some of these came at the recommendation of others. So perh more
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The Lord Has Done This: The “Only God” Story of Mountain Christian Church
Ben Cachiaras Blog
by Mountain Site Admin
7M ago
Churches don’t last forever. The churches Paul worked with in Corinth or Ephesus aren’t still around. There is a typical lifecycle, and those who study these things say that after thirty or forty years most congregations show signs of stagnancy and start down the backside of the bell curve in decline. This is partly why the vast majority of churches in this country are plateaued or shrinking in vibrancy and impact. About 5000 churches will close their doors this year.  Most of them are, well, old.  So, when a really old church is bursting with new life, vibrancy, growt more
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One of my favorite holidays
Ben Cachiaras Blog
by Mountain Site Admin
7M ago
(you've probably never heard of it) Do you have a song that triggers tears?   I have a few songs like that, but this time of year there is one in particular.  Most people have never heard of it, but for me, I can’t get through it without my eyes welling up.  Singing it?  Forget it.   I will share it with you in a moment, but first can I talk about All Saints Day?  It’s the coolest, most neglected holiday nobody knows about.  Let me back up.  The Coolest Holiday Nobody Knows About In the early years of the Roman Empire when Christians were under more
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What Makes Our Family Special?
Ben Cachiaras Blog
by Alexandra Calvey
7M ago
My father left an important document on his laptop, intended for his grandchildren, entitled, “WHAT MAKES OUR FAMILY SPECIAL?” His list is an encouragement and challenge to create and lead our families with purposeful devotion to God. I ache to see followers of Jesus take one of these to heart. I feel it is the failure to accept these as of utmost importance that causes our lives to flounder and suffer. I share this list on this first Father’s Day without him in hopes that what scripture said of Abel may be true of John H. Cachiaras, “though dead he still speaks.” (Hebrews 11:4) Let me shar more
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Steal this young man’s prayer…
Ben Cachiaras Blog
7M ago
When he prayed it, it rocked his world and the world around him. When you and I pray it, it opens the floodgates of God’s mercy. How hard is it to ask for help? To admit your limitations, that's when I find myself closest to God. Let me encourage you to pray your "help" prayers. Check out last week's message for more on this, and be sure to engage fully with the series more
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Uvalde: This isn't the way the world was meant to be
Ben Cachiaras Blog
7M ago
It is not the way the world was created. And is not the way the world will one day be. Stunned. Horrified. Grief-stricken. Livid. Afraid. Numb.    These are words I’ve heard friends use to describe how they are thinking and feeling after the horrific shooting in Uvalde, Texas which killed 19 children and two teachers at Robb Elementary School. We had not yet got our feet under us from the May 14 shooting in Buffalo which killed 10 more in a super market. Can you put a name to what YOU are feeling about this? There is no shortage of commentary and reaction to this atrocious massacre more
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