7 Quick but Powerful Reminders for Pastors
Ron Edmondson Blog
by Ron Edmondson
5M ago
I have quick – but powerful reminders for pastors.  I’ve still been a pastor for less time than I was in the marketplace in my career but I’ve hit the twenty year mark. Along the way I’ve learned a few principles that help me in my work as a pastor.  The only purpose of this blog is to share some of that. Here are a few quick reminders. 7 quick – but powerful reminders for pastors.  If God is calling you the details won’t matter. Neither will the money, or the people. Or the naysayers.  Make sure He is calling you. Check with wise counsel. But if you’re sure then ..read more
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10 Inexpensive Ways to Develop People on a Team
Ron Edmondson Blog
by Ron Edmondson
5M ago
Every team needs some inexpensive ways to develop people on the team. That way even when finances are tight, development keeps going. When budgets are stretched, development often is pushed to the back burner or cut altogether from the budget. This is dangerous for a team, which wishes to remain healthy and continue growing. If a team is not learning and improving it will soon struggle to maintain any level of success. So, build into your system some inexpensive ways to develop people. 10 inexpensive ways to develop people on a team: Bring in a leader – It may be cheaper to bring the expert to ..read more
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RELP – Episode 93 – Balancing Yes and No as a Leader
Ron Edmondson Blog
by Ron Edmondson, The Ron Edmondson Leadership Podcast
5M ago
In this episode of The Ron Edmondson Leadership Podcast Ron and Chandler Vannoy discuss balancing your yes and your no as a leader. Most of us prefer to say yes to the people we are trying to lead. Most leaders like to be liked. Unfortunately, because of the demand of time and resources, no gets said more often than we might like. How do we balance which to say when? In this episode, balancing your yes and no as a leader. Show notes: We love hearing from leaders who enjoy these podcasts. Yes, we know they are simple. It is intended to be a quick listen to a conversation between father and son ..read more
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5 Ways a Tyrant Leader Keeps Their Authority
Ron Edmondson Blog
by Ron Edmondson
5M ago
Tyrant leader. Ever served under one? I have worked for a few controlling leaders. The word “tyrant” in the title of this post means a cruel and oppressive leader. That may be a strong word, but I would almost place some of these within that definition. One particular season like this was hard for me and even harder for my wife. She saw me coming home emotionally drained at the end of each day. In each setting, I finally decided life was too short and I moved on from there.  Thankfully, those experiences in my career have only been for short periods of time. Looking back, as har ..read more
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Tips for Communicating with Introverted Friends or Family
Ron Edmondson Blog
by Ron Edmondson
5M ago
How do you communicate with introverted friends or family who may not want to engage as much as you do? I get that question regularly. Over two years ago now, I received an email from a reader. I saved it and changed a few details of it to keep the writer anonymous but wanted to share my response in hopes it is helpful to others. Important to know, this reader reached out to me because of my previous posts about being an introvert. My adult granddaughter is an introvert. We don’t see her often since she lives 900 miles away; however she is staying with us for a couple of months while she serv ..read more
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12 Attractive Traits for Senior Leaders
Ron Edmondson Blog
by Ron Edmondson
5M ago
There are some attractive traits for in successful senior leaders. If a leader has these, he or she will be more likely to have loyal followers. I’ve got a long way to go. At 60 years of age and having been a senior leader for over 30 years, I realize more of my weaknesses today than ever in my career. But I’ve also learned a few things I want to try to emulate as a senior leader.  These are some of the “best of the best” traits for those who attempt the daunting responsibility of leading others.  12 attractive traits for senior leaders: Steady – They give a calming assurance in ..read more
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7 Must Haves to Lead Genuine Organizational Change
Ron Edmondson Blog
by Ron Edmondson
5M ago
There are some key components if you wish to lead genuine organizational change. In my observation, many leaders want change and know they need to lead it, but they haven’t been able to actually produce change. I think there are reasons for this. The process of change isn’t easy. It doesn’t happen overnight. Some leaders move too fast. Others move too slow. Plus, not every church, business or non-profit will tolerate change – or at least to the level prescribed by a leader. The leader needs to know when to push and when to leave things alone for a while. It’s a delicate process leading change ..read more
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Admitting the Real Problem – Even When It’s Hard
Ron Edmondson Blog
by Ron Edmondson
5M ago
Sometimes as a leader the hardest part is identifying – and then admitting – the real problem. In one of my first vocational leadership roles, I managed a large retail division of a major department store. The division had several departments within it and each department had a separate department manager. Most of the departments were efficient, profitable, and easy to manage. One department, however, continued to fall behind the others. It was frustrating, because I couldn’t seem to get them to improve. I was young and inexperienced, so I innocently thought the problem was me. If I could impl ..read more
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5 Suggestions For Adding New Structure
Ron Edmondson Blog
by Ron Edmondson
5M ago
There is a trick to adding new structure to a growing organization. Frankly, I think there is value in unstructured growth. We shouldn’t be afraid of growth we cannot understand. It’s messier, harder to contain, even uncomfortable at times, but it also keeps leaders energized, maintains momentum, and helps spur exponential growth. As the organization grows – and as strategy changes – additions in structure have to be added. Even entrepreneurs shouldn’t be afraid of healthy structure. Adding structure, however, can be a painful and disruptive process if not handled carefully. We must add struct ..read more
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4 Things Visionary Leaders Hate to Hear
Ron Edmondson Blog
by Ron Edmondson
5M ago
There are some things visionary leaders hate to hear. They make us cringe.  Mostly because they distract the team from the vision and from being healthy attempting to achieve it. Visionary leaders hate to hear: “We’ve never done it that way before.”  Well, of course you haven’t. See, here’s there thing about leadership. Leaders take you somewhere new – somewhere you haven’t been before. That’s in the definition of what we do.  Granted, there are times we need to rest, slow down the pace, and celebrate current wins. All that is part of a healthy team, as well. But if we want to k ..read more
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