ovidem Blog
Ovi Demetrian Jr. is the co-founder and lead designer of Blocks Edit, a visual email editor to help email marketers produce branded emails. He also writes product copy, blog articles, and stories about how technology interacts with culture. Follow his latest articles and tech ramblings here.
ovidem Blog
1M ago
Blocks Edit for landing pages, Indie Aisle relaunch, and a bunch of content ..read more
ovidem Blog
3M ago
CSS grid gap, when to use margin and padding, and CSS units of measurement ..read more
ovidem Blog
3M ago
Getting the wrong idea of what AI can actually do because we’re trying too hard to put a human face on our devices ..read more
ovidem Blog
3M ago
Using the CSS ch unit, and taking into account modern desktop screens ..read more
ovidem Blog
9M ago
Differences between web and email dev and coding an email based on the latest email design trends ..read more
ovidem Blog
1y ago
How to generate a social media preview thumbnail for your blog post by using an HTML template ..read more