Aspire Higher by SCA Head of School Chris Hahn
Summit Christian Academy
by Sarah Coats
5M ago
Chris Hahn Spring has officially started, at least by the calendar. I do believe, the older I get, the faster the years seem to go. It was not always like that for me, especially as a student. As we enter the final lap of 2023-24, would you believe planning for next year has been underway for several months? I am excited about where and how God is working and moving, and specifically excited about the leaders I believe God has called and placed here to serve our  community. I truly believe they are servants who are “All in for Him.” As we remain “All in,” my prayer and our theme for nex more
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I’m Not Ready! School Readiness and Promised Memories
Summit Christian Academy
by Sarah Coats
7M ago
by SCA Lower Elementary Principal Mrs. Charissa Sanders Starting kindergarten can be frightening for a child. However, it may feel even worse for many parents. I don’t know about you, but I was a mess inside in the days and weeks leading up to my son starting kindergarten. Oh, I may not have let too many around me know this on the outside, but it was true. I was scared stiff. How could I be at this milestone already? How would he do without me or his dad all day? How would he interact with teachers and classmates? Was he ready academically, emotionally, and physically?  I know I am no more
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SCA Teacher Greg Finch Honored as Christian Teacher of the Year.. And What an HONOR it was!
Summit Christian Academy
by webmaster
7M ago
On Saturday, September 24, SCA history teacher Greg Finch was honored at The Herzog Foundation Excellence in Christian Education Awards Gala in Washington, D.C. where he will hear his name called as one of 10 Christian Teachers of the Year for 2022! by SCA Head of School Mr. Chris Hahn Mr. Finch was featured in the Herzog Foundation’s online Lion publication this month and was quoted as saying, “An effective teacher must, first and foremost, acknowledge the Source of all learning.  I drench every lesson in God’s Word and prayer.” Mr. Finch identified his passion for history in college and more
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