Education Week
Since 1981, Education Week has been America's most trusted resource for K-12 education news and information. 1.6+ million readers. National coverage. From teachers to principals to district leaders across the country. Education Week's diverse audience turns to us for the most up-to-date information on K-12 education in the U.S., as well as innovative, high-value tools and solutions.
Education Week
3M ago
A Maine high school has piloted a new class called Election Year, where students dive deep into campaign politics ..read more
Education Week
5M ago
School districts in every state have the flexibility to adopt competency-based learning, but implementation is easier said than done ..read more
Education Week
11M ago
Students are increasingly getting disciplined for using generative AI, a new survey finds ..read more
Education Week
11M ago
Principals can't do away with every meeting, but they can reduce some and make others more effective ..read more
Education Week
11M ago
The board that annually administers NAEP warns that recent research paints a "dire" picture of the future for America's children ..read more
Education Week
1y ago
The number of electric school buses is rising—and there’s no shortage of growing pains involving funding, legal mandates, and operations ..read more
Education Week
1y ago
Born and raised in India, reporter Eesha Pendharkar isn’t convinced that America’s anti-racist efforts are enough to make students of color feel like they belong ..read more
Education Week
1y ago
One district technology director outlines the challenges that are unique to smaller districts ..read more
Education Week
1y ago
Three award-winning teachers discuss connecting curricula to students’ lives and helping kids see themselves as scientists ..read more
Education Week
1y ago
The justices will weigh Maine's exclusion of religious schools from its "tuitioning" program for students from towns without high schools ..read more