Missouri State Coders Project Blog
Computer Science Opportunities, Development, and Education in Rural Schools (CODERS) is an education movement. Join our Professional Learning Community, find shared resources, and connect with other educators. Keep up with the latest news and updates from Missouri State CODERS Project.
Missouri State Coders Project Blog
7M ago
Use this PDF to assist you with adding classes, adding class times, and linking CODERS lessons in your Planbook application ..read more
Missouri State Coders Project Blog
7M ago
In addition to Missouri State University's (MSU) initiative to implement computer science education in rural area schools, there is an equal effort to cultivate great writing in middle school students. CODERS own project director, Dr. Keri Franklin, works to provide the Annual Middle School Writing Conference, a day where students come to MSU's campus to learn more about composition. The power of learning about writing and story telling inspires students to create in ways they had never thought of before. MSU works to even the playing field by empowering these students with the knowledge of th ..read more
Missouri State Coders Project Blog
7M ago
This week a team of CODERS from Missouri State University went to visit Mallory Elementary and Skyline School, in Dallas County. This time the lesson was focused on Circuits and Scratch. Fun was, as usual, part of the day with these students and teachers.
Students are always excited to see the team arrive to the classroom to work with them. Now they get to tie all the lessons together. Students have learned Scratch, a coding program. They have also learned about circuits, and they have been writing about their own learning consistently. Now, the specific objective was to have students design ..read more
Missouri State Coders Project Blog
7M ago
On Friday, September 24, 2021, a team of CODERS packed 10 kits with science and coding material to bring to Freedom Elementary in Saint Robert's, Missouri. Ms. Yolanda Salas, a Missouri State University alumni from the College of Education, opened her classroom to the CODERS MSU Project to collaborate during the school year 2021-2022. Students were ready for the MSU team to visit, observe, co-teach, and learn what Ms. Salas has been implementing in her class after the Professional Development workshop the university offered this past 2021 summer. The CODERS workshop focused on pedagogical stra ..read more
Missouri State Coders Project Blog
7M ago
All teachers who are returning for a 3rd year have been added to a Microsoft Teams group! A place for you all to post questions to other teachers, keep your CODERS documents in one place, have easy access to the lesson reflections, and more!
If you have been added but unsure how to get there, it can be found here: https://teams.microsoft.com/_#/school/conversations/General?threadId=19:vrUTzwN5uVwb97jzLFkN9nqG9DQfasfWnX12CY51-Zw1@thread.tacv2&ctx=channel .
Please let feel free to reach out with any questions about this new Teams. Our GA that runs it can be contacted at hannah1231@missourist ..read more
Missouri State Coders Project Blog
7M ago
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Missouri State University $1.5 million to provide scholarships to students interested in science, technology, engineering and math over the next six years. Read more about it here!
https://news.missouristate.edu/2022/08/30/nsf ..read more
Missouri State Coders Project Blog
7M ago
CODERS teachers/principals/superintendents, please reach out to Dr. Keri Franklin today, October 20th, the name and email address of the person who can provide MAP scores for your school district. An important part of what keeps our CODERS Grant up and running is submitting academic achievement data for participants of our project. And thanks to everyone who is a part of our CODERS family that has helped gather this data so far, your response has been great! We are now setting a goal to track students’ MAP scores for the prior year and the current year after receiving the CODERS lessons. Our i ..read more
Missouri State Coders Project Blog
7M ago
The CODERS Council is heading to Columbia, MO! They have been selected to present at the 2023 Write to Learn Conference on what algorithms, coding, and the teaching of writing have in common. Stories from our own CODERS teachers will be shared such as, students modeling the orbits of the solar system using Scratch and technology teachers who pair with writing teachers to bring student stories to life through coding. The CODERS breakout session will focus on interdisciplinary collaboration and teaching students that writing is much more than a pen and paper. Teachers will return to their classr ..read more
Missouri State Coders Project Blog
7M ago
Hello, CODERS Teachers!
The school year has officially begun. We know it's busy, but we hope you're excited and ready to join the CODERS Council on September 14 for our first hands-on experience of the semester!
We will meet in the Hospitality Room (1st floor) at the Meyer Alumni Center from 8 am-3 pm.
Our goal is that you walk away ready to introduce CODERS to your students and complete a lesson and reflection within the two weeks after we meet.
Send out your passive consent forms as soon as possible.
Things to Remember
Bring laptops, charging cords, etc.
Bring binders from Summer workshop
W ..read more
Missouri State Coders Project Blog
7M ago
Wondering what careers students can get with different majors? Physics, math, computer science, and chemistry all offer stable and engaging future career paths.
As teachers of many different subject areas, it is difficult to be an expert in the career options of every field our students may be interested in. Thankfully, the website What Can I Do With This Major provides an overview of several college majors and their different descriptions, specializations, and potential employers. Physics, computer science, math, and chemistry are all essential career fields with fulfilling work and, as such ..read more