Unshakeable Home: Building Resilience as a Homemaker
Pink Fennel
by Pink Fennel
2M ago
We’ve been exploring self-discovery by examining values, strengths, passions, and goals. Now, let’s tackle something crucial for every homemaker: building resilience. Because let’s face it, the life of a homemaker throws some serious curveballs. From messy mornings to unexpected meltdowns, overcoming these hurdles with grace and strength is key. The heart of a home is the homemaker, but sometimes that heart feels like it’s about to burst. From endless chores to the constant meltdowns (both yours and the kids’), a resilient spirit is essential for navigating the beautiful chaos of home life. Bu ..read more
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THRIVE Goal Setting for Homemakers
Pink Fennel
by Pink Fennel
3M ago
Between the never-ending laundry, the constant snack requests, and the never-ending stream of “Mom, can you…?” it’s easy to feel like you’re just surviving, not thriving. But what if I told you that tucked away beneath the superhero cape you wear every day, there’s a woman with dreams waiting to be chased? “Sometimes the most heroic thing you can do is carve out a moment for yourself. Because a fulfilled mama is a superhero mama.” unknown We all have those nagging whispers – the things we wished we’d started, the skills we’d love to learn, the goals we tucked away when life got busy. But how ..read more
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Goal Setting for a More Fulfilling Life
Pink Fennel
by Pink Fennel
3M ago
Have you ever woken up feeling stuck in the daily grind, wondering if this is “all there is?” Juggling family schedules, endless chores, and a constant stream of responsibilities can leave any homemaker feeling like they’ve lost sight of themself. As homemakers we sometimes forget to set goals or feel as if our goals and aspirations have to be put on hold for our family. I am here to tell you that you can have goals and you can achieve them as a caregiver without sacrificing your family’s happiness. Come along with me with in this post and let’s set some goals. Today, we’re tackling the questi ..read more
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How to Find Your Inner Fire
Pink Fennel
by Pink Fennel
4M ago
Imagine yourself floating in a majestic hot air balloon, gently swaying in the breeze, high above the patchwork of your life. Below, the familiar landscape unfolds: your career, your family, your daily routines. But something’s missing.  The balloon, once vibrant and full of potential, hangs limp and deflated. It lacks the fire – that spark of passion that moves it forward, guiding it towards breathtaking views and hidden wonders. This, my friend, is where many of us find ourselves at some point. We drift through life, fulfilling our obligations but lacking the inner flame that fuels true ..read more
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Exploring Your Strengths And Weaknesses
Pink Fennel
by Pink Fennel
5M ago
Let’s give a little thought to our strengths and weaknesses. I remember when the chaos started happening and sourdough starter was becoming very popular. First I had to figure out the ratios. Then, I nurtured that starter for weeks, only to end up with a loaf denser than a doorstop. Yeah, we’ve all bitten off more than we could chew (pun intended) when it comes to DIY projects. But hey, the good news is, that baking blunder told me something valuable: I might not be a master bread maker, but maybe I’m a rockstar gardener with a green thumb! The point is, understanding our strengths and weaknes ..read more
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Aligning Your Values for a Life with Purpose
Pink Fennel
by Pink Fennel
5M ago
Welcome to the first stop in “Who Do You Think You Are?”, a brand new blog series about self-discovery for all of us busy moms (and wives!) out there that long for lives filled with more than just laundry, lists, and school schedules.  Let’s face it, we’re juggling enough already. But in all the chauffeuring, chaos, and bedtime stories, have you ever stopped to ask: What about ME? Who am I, really, and what truly matters to me? This series is our invitation to embark on a self-discovery adventure, digging deep into our beliefs, values, and what makes us tick. Because here’s the thing: whe ..read more
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Who Do You Think You Are?: Questioning Your Way to Self-Discovery
Pink Fennel
by Pink Fennel
5M ago
Welcome to “Who Do You Think You Are?”, a brand new blog series to guide you through self-discovery. Imagine this, you wake up, make coffee, pack lunches, tackle emails before the kids are even awake. The day speeds by in a blur of laundry, work, soccer practice, dinner prep, and bedtime stories. Somewhere in all the chaos, a question emerges: Is this it? Is this what living life really is? Where did the joy go? You used to dream. You had passions that set your soul on fire. Now, they feel buried under the weight of responsibility and the constant hum of “shoulds.” But here’s the truth: ignori ..read more
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Unlock The Hidden Joy In Managing Your Home
Pink Fennel
by Pink Fennel
5M ago
I want to talk about something that has been on my mind this week– the incredible joy that comes from managing our homes. I know, I know, “home management” might sound a bit formal, but stick with me. It’s about turning your living space into a haven of happiness and, trust me, it’s more rewarding than you might think! You know that feeling when you walk into a clean, organized space? Like when you walk into a hotel or into someone’s home who doesn’t have kids. It’s like a warm hug for your soul, right? A clean home isn’t just aesthetically pleasing; it’s needed for your overall well-being. Bu ..read more
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5 Strategies To Find Joy In the Midst of Chaos
Pink Fennel
by Pink Fennel
5M ago
Last time, we talked about those moments where joy seems out of reach. Today, I’m excited to share some down-to-earth strategies to help us rise above the chaos and rediscover the joy that’s waiting for us. Embracing Imperfection Let’s chat about the pursuit of perfection – it’s a joy killer, am I right? We have the right to pursue happiness instead. It’s time to let go of that impossible standard and embrace the beauty in life’s imperfections. Our homes, just like us, are beautifully flawed, and that’s where the real magic happens. Plus perfection is just right out exhausting. Nurturing Healt ..read more
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15 Essentials Every Woman Need in Their Self-Care Toolkit
Pink Fennel
by Pink Fennel
6M ago
Hey there, lovely ladies! Let’s talk about something super important today: building your very own self-care toolkit. I know life gets crazy busy with all the family stuff and household chores, but guess what? You deserve some TLC too! Think of your life as a cozy home. Just like we need our trusty brooms and cleaning supplies to keep our spaces tidy, we need our own set of tools for maintaining our well-being. And no, I’m not talking about fancy gadgets here. I’m talking about the essentials – those simple yet powerful items that help us take care of ourselves. Today, let’s explore the concep ..read more
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