Michigan College Access Network Blog
Michigan College Access Network (MCAN) is an organization that strives to enhance the future of Michigan's students by providing them with increased access to education. The organization believes that college education should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or financial situation. Stay up-to-date with the latest news, policies, and education system updates by..
Michigan College Access Network Blog
15h ago
Navigating the world of financial aid can be a daunting task for students and their families. With unfamiliar terminology, deadline pressure, and not knowing where to go for support, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Fortunately, there are several free, reliable tools designed to help simplify the process. Whether students and families are new to the process of applying for federal financial aid and want to better understand the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or are nearing the end of the process and want to make an informed decision about comparing financial aid offers, there a ..read more
Michigan College Access Network Blog
1M ago
MCAN Executive Director Ryan Fewins-Bliss testified on SB 463, Universal FAFSA, before the Michigan House Education Committee meeting on Dec. 10, 2024 ..read more
Michigan College Access Network Blog
1M ago
MCAN Executive Director Ryan Fewins-Bliss testified on SB 1142, which would change professional development requirements for school counselors, before the Michigan Senate Education Committee meeting on Dec. 10, 2024 ..read more
Michigan College Access Network Blog
4M ago
Ahead of the upcoming FAFSA cycle, the National College Attainment Network poses several strategies to streamline the flow of FAFSA completion data so advisers and counselors are equipped to help and manage their students' progress toward their post-secondary goals ..read more
Michigan College Access Network Blog
4M ago
Despite a tumultuous FAFSA rollout and the resulting financial aid challenges, schools across the state are reporting increased enrollment and retention, as well as more diverse student bodies, following the start of the fall 2024 semester ..read more
Michigan College Access Network Blog
5M ago
A new NCAN framework explores key conditions for successful postsecondary transitions and effective advising in school districts. Developed by 17 organizations, it aims to spark nationwide discussions and drive action for advancing student outcomes ..read more
Michigan College Access Network Blog
7M ago
Nicklas Bara is a third-year medical student at Michigan State University’s College of Human Medicine and owner of Nucleus Tutoring. Bara discusses mental health challenges faced by pre-medical students, available support resources, and ways to expand student mental health care ..read more
Michigan College Access Network Blog
7M ago
Today, high school advisers have either already completed or are nearing the end of their school year-long contracts. After a year like this, how can we provide additional support for advisers to prevent burnout and compassion fatigue ..read more
Michigan College Access Network Blog
8M ago
Ryan Fewins-Bliss' testimony in favor of recommendations for increased access to higher education in Michigan, as delivered to the Michigan House Higher Education Committee and House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education and Community Colleges ..read more
Michigan College Access Network Blog
8M ago
Today, high school advisors have either already completed or are nearing the end of their school year-long contracts. After a year like this, how can we provide additional support for advisors to prevent burnout and compassion fatigue ..read more