American Prepping Academy
American Prepping Academy (APA) is a free educational resource that is focused on teaching Disaster Preparedness. The author of this site is JJ Johnson. JJ has been recognized by the Wyoming Department of Homeland Security as a Disaster Preparedness Subject Matter Expert and was asked to be on the PrepareWyo board during his time in Wyoming (2017-2020). JJ is also a former United States Air..
American Prepping Academy
1y ago
The Four Basic Principles of Home Security It is clear that violent crime is trending up all across the nation. What may not be so clear is what exactly can you do to keep yourself from becoming a victim of violent crime. Since most people spend a majority of their day at home we will start with focusing on ..read more
American Prepping Academy
1y ago
What Giardia Is & How To Treat It Reality Survival Welcome to Reality Survival. Today, we’re going to talk about the Beaver Fever. Don’t worry – it’s not what you think. I got this information from Mayo Clinic about Giardia infection. I know this is extremely exciting information, but you should listen to it because Giardia is a primary way ..read more
American Prepping Academy
1y ago
If you are a person who takes your security seriously and you likely are since you are reading this site, you should also take your health and wellness seriously as well. I believe that it is every citizens responsibility to provide for their own security and as such they should also be trained and equipped to be able to render ..read more
American Prepping Academy
1y ago
The 7 Point Prepper SITREP is a simple format derived from the US Military S.A.L.U.T.E. report. Generally the purpose of a SITREP is a simple and concise format for an audible report over a radio that a mobile team can convey back to the home base. This is done to keep the home base appraised of the overall status of ..read more
American Prepping Academy
1y ago
This lesson covers what items to keep in your vehicle and why those items are important and how they can be used in an emergency situation. You can download a list of all of the items I discuss in this video as well as links to where you can purchase the items: https://www.americanpreppingacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Emergency-Vehicle-Gear-List.pdf ..read more
American Prepping Academy
1y ago
This lesson provides multiple ideas for activities that you can engage in that will help you become more prepared and find people who are also likely good candidates to be recruited into your prepper group. https://youtu.be/NcVqBmd2fUA You can download this lesson by clicking here: https://www.americanpreppingacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/How-To-Find-Members-For-A-Prepper-Group-Printer-Friendly.pdf ..read more
American Prepping Academy
1y ago
This lesson covers that basics of building an intelligence network that will feed you information that could be valuable during an catastrophic SHTF situation. Having a network of information from various sources is important so that you can confirm what is real and what is nonsense. Having the ability to gather information from various sources also increases your overall situational ..read more
American Prepping Academy
1y ago
This lesson covers various types of intelligence cycles. The reason it is important to understand these cycles is so that you can effectively establish a functional intelligence gathering system for you or your group. Having the ability to gather intelligence effectively is a primary factor in being able to detect threats early so that you can adequately prepare to defend ..read more
American Prepping Academy
1y ago
This lesson covers the basics of home fire safety and multiple things you can do to be more prepared to prevent and fight fire should one occur in your home. You can follow along or download the slides by saving each picture and then printing them individually. Download the Home Fire Safety Emergency Checklist here: https://www.americanpreppingacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/House-Fire-Checklist.pdf ..read more
American Prepping Academy
1y ago
This lesson covers the basics of what should be in a Bug Out bag as well as the purpose of them and why everyone should have one even if you only plan on bugging in! You can download the individual slides below by saving each picture and then printing them individually. The full file size is too large to download ..read more