Laugh Out Loud
Laugh Out Loud is your radio and web destination for Canadian comedy. From the famous to the newly found, you are guaranteed to laugh out loud. Every week, host Ali Hassan crosses the country and cruises the Web to bring you what's new and hot in Canadian comedy from stand-up to sketch to musical comedy and beyond.
Laugh Out Loud
2d ago
From Accent on Toronto this past fall, we’re featuring three, count ‘em THREE comedians for the price of one! Actually, the show is free. There is no price. But the comedy of Kate Davis, Crystal Ferrier and Rush Kazi is priceless ..read more
Laugh Out Loud
1w ago
From the Winnipeg Comedy Festival, Sean Devlin loves animals - maybe too much? Maybe not enough! And from Charlottetown, Taylor Carver loves the Minions. Definitely too much ..read more
Laugh Out Loud
2w ago
From the 905 Comedy Festival in Oshawa, Cathy Boyd takes some serious digs at some very serious protesters. And Laura Leibow has watched so much scripted reality that she could be writing those scripts herself ..read more
Laugh Out Loud
3w ago
If you’re going to tell Marito Lopez you’re a “short king”, you better be emphasizing the short part of that! And Ola Dada reminisces about immigrating from Nigeria to Fort McMurray Alberta. Well, “reminiscing” might not be the right word ..read more
Laugh Out Loud
1M ago
From the Winnipeg Comedy Fest, Ryan Williams takes you through construction sites and football fields, and from the 905 Comedy Festival Chris Robinson navigates gossipy conversations with his grandmother ..read more
Laugh Out Loud
1M ago
From the Stockey Centre in Parry Sound, Ryan Dillon shares that he loves when someone thinks he’s cooler than he is. You know who you are, Parry Sounder! And Faraz Niafattah tells us he wont be spending any money on an Ancestry test. He knows what he is. And he’s almost comfortable with it ..read more
Laugh Out Loud
1M ago
If you’re with Wassim El-Mounzer eating the national dish of Canada, he’ll probably lather it in extra garlic. And Keesha Brownie shares details of taking her Jamaican mom to her acting class ..read more
Laugh Out Loud
1M ago
From the Winnipeg Comedy Festival, Dena Jackson breaks down the wins and losses of her divorce. And from Victoria, Myles Anderson wonders if his back-up career is better or worse than his primary one ..read more
Laugh Out Loud
2M ago
From Ottawa, Leonard Chan finds out that, in fact, he’s not the Asian man he was led to believe he was. And from Parry Sound, Ava Val teaches us all how to insult someone on-line “properly ..read more
Laugh Out Loud
2M ago
From the Roxy Theatre in Owen Sound, Guled Abdi shares that his height has been a source of pride and shame. And Jackie Pirico will never be chosen for jury duty, despite all the Law & Order she’s watched in preparation ..read more