Quick Writing FUN
AAC Girls
by Unknown
2M ago
 What:  Quick Writing FUN  - Supporting Early Conventional Writers Here is the handout for the presentation from Closing the Gap 24. Link to download Watch the Webinar!! If you missed the session, there is a webinar at Building Wings that covers much of the same information. Link to watch the webinar ..read more
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AAC Girls
by Unknown
8M ago
 Unleash Your Creativity Handout!! Link to download This session by Caroline Ramsey Musselwhite and Brenda Del Monte was presented at the AZTap Conference in Arizona on June 3, 2024 ..read more
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Caution - Must Stop Over-Prompting During Writing!!
AAC Girls
by Unknown
8M ago
 What's the Problem?  Most educators who work with students with disabilities are aware that over-prompting can: • Limit growth in learning (having too much support means that students don't have to do the 'hard work' • Cause students to avoid risk-taking.  Many students just want to be 'right' and over-prompting feeds into that.  Students MUST take risks to learn. • Contribute to 'learned helplessness.;'  This is the situation where learners become passive and don't take any control over their learning. Over-prompting is a problem in all areas, but this blogpost will ..read more
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SWITCH! The Book
AAC Girls
by Unknown
10M ago
 SWITCH – Making Change!! I've been thinking about change alot.  I first read this book more than 10 years ago. I remember reading it on a plane – one of those rare times when I was upgraded to first class.  I kept annoying the businessman beside me as I laughed out loud . . . more than once! Then I was reading it on a subway, on the way to give a talk at Columbia Teacher's College in NYC . . . I was so engrossed that I looked up and realized that the train had stopped at the end of the line, and everyone else had gotten off.  I was so engrossed that I didn't notice.  ..read more
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Change – Ideas for Making It Happen!
AAC Girls
by Unknown
11M ago
Change – Why Is It So Hard? As many of you know, I'm ready for the Literacy Revolution.  I've been reading books about change and thinking about the WHY of change – and resistance to change.  We all know how hard change is – we've just been through 'springing forward' during daylight savings, and that has many people tired and cranky!  And that's just the change of one hour. I really love this quote, first because it starts with 'one reason . . .'.  YES!  We need to think deeply about WHY people are resistant to change.  I hear people talk about laziness, etc ..read more
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Making Real Change
AAC Girls
by Unknown
11M ago
 Real Change / Deep Change / Lasting Change As I inch closer to retirement, I think about my quest to be a changemaker more and more.  I feel a passion about seeing change that is:   • Real Change:  Not just surface change such as shiny technology, or cutesy boom cards, but TRUE change that leads to life changes for the learners that we serve.  Change such as: - Helping learners develop comprehensive literacy to the highest level possible.  This must include all of the components of literacy, including generative writing with the alphabet. - Supporting peop ..read more
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Collaborative Books 1 – Creating Books to Share
AAC Girls
by Unknown
11M ago
 WHAT:  This post is about creative collaborative books with learners who use AAC.  The specifics are contained in 2-page a Tip from AAC Intervention. WHERE:  This tip can be downloaded from the website AAC Intervention.  Go to Tips of the Month and look for Tip # 4 for 2021. Caroline's Tips ..read more
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The AlphaBook – Light Tech Direct Select Alphabet!
AAC Girls
by Unknown
1y ago
 What:  This simple light tech alphabet is great for students who can see the letters and have the motor skills to touch desired letters.  It can be a very quick 'alternative pencil.'   Why:  For students with good fist-pointing skills, this can be an efficient tool. How:  Partners change pages as desired by the writer.   Where:  For more information, see Tip # 7, 2021 at  www.aacintervention.com   ..read more
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Shared Reading Book List!!
AAC Girls
by Unknown
1y ago
 What:  Dr. David Koppenhaver is one of the authors of the book, Comprehensive Literacy for all.  His list of recommended shared reading books is perfect for emergent readers of all ages! Where:  The blogpost can be found at the Building Wings website.  Here's a direct link: Shared Reading Book Recs ..read more
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The Million Word Gap
AAC Girls
by Unknown
1y ago
What Is It?  The million word gap describes the gap in words that children have heard if they missed that early home reading experience.  It's very powerful information for parents of children of all ages, because it's never too late to read aloud!  It's also helpful information for teachers, paras, SLPs, etc.   Where Can You Find It?  You can download the tip that summarizes this information PLUS a sample letter that you can share with parents.  What a great way to start out 2024, by encouraging more reading!! Downoad this tip here: Million Word G ..read more
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