Dividend Tech Warrior
More Wealth with Less Work. A dividend growth investor living in Singapore.
Dividend Tech Warrior
1M ago
Equity Portfolio Cost: S$616, 070
Equity Portfolio Market Value: S$761, 930
Equity Portfolio Unrealised Profit: +S$145, 860 (+23.7%)
Portfolio XIRR (FY2024): -2.1% (inclusive of dividends)
Dividends Collected (FY2024): S$43, 280 (+7.8% yoy)
Total Cumulative Dividends (2010 - 2024): S$324, 925
Current Cash & Cash Equivalents (SSB/T-bills): S$46, 000
(*All figures are accurate as of 31 Dec 2024)
Portfolio Actions in 4Q 2024:
Accumulated DBS at S$42
Accumulated OCBC at S$16.50
Accumulated Propnex at S$0.91
Accumulated S ..read more
Dividend Tech Warrior
4M ago
Equity Portfolio Cost: S$611, 230
Equity Portfolio Market Value: S$784, 522
Equity Portfolio Unrealised Profit: +S$173, 292 (+28.3%)
Portfolio XIRR (9M2024): +4.1% (inclusive of dividends)
Dividends Collected (9M2024): S$34, 628 (+4.3% yoy)
Total Cumulative Dividends (2010 - 9M2024): S$316, 273
Current Cash & Cash Equivalents (SSB/T-bills): S$42, 000
(*All figures are accurate as of 30 Sep 2024)
Portfolio Actions in 3Q 2024:
Accumulated Sheng Siong at S$1.51
Accumulated Alphabet at US$163
Accumulated Nvidia at US$113
Accumu ..read more
Dividend Tech Warrior
8M ago
Equity Portfolio Cost: S$606, 181
Equity Portfolio Market Value: S$702, 163
Equity Portfolio Unrealised Profit: +S$95, 982 (+15.8%)
Portfolio XIRR (1H2024): -5.1% (inclusive of dividends)
Dividends Collected (1H2024): S$21, 761 (-2% yoy)
Total Cumulative Dividends (2010 - 1H2024): S$303, 406
Current Cash & Cash Equivalents (SSB/T-bills): S$42, 000
(*All figures are accurate as of 28 Jun 2024)
Portfolio Actions in 1H 2024:
Accumulated more Alphabet at US$137, US$171 and US$178
Accumulated more Amazon at US$176 and US$180
Initiate ..read more
Dividend Tech Warrior
1y ago
After the Budget 2024 announcement recently, the local 'Pro-CPF 1M65' community immediately went into meltdown mode. CPF-rich members were bemoaning the removal of the CPF SA shielding hack. Here is my personal quick take on this issue. Perhaps some lessons to be learnt.
Unlike other bloggers or influencers out there, I never ever talk about CPF shielding because it is a loophole in the system. Its removal is very much expected. It is called a ‘loophole’. Loopholes are meant to be closed eventually. When shielding was heavily promoted in the mainstream media in recent years, I knew ..read more
Dividend Tech Warrior
1y ago
Equity Portfolio Cost: S$596, 851
Equity Portfolio Market Value: S$767, 106
Equity Portfolio Unrealised Profit: +S$170, 255 (+28.5%)
Portfolio XIRR (FY2023): +11.3% (inclusive of dividends)
Dividends Collected (FY2023): S$40, 139 (+15.6% yoy)
Total Cumulative Dividends (2010 - 2023): S$281, 645
Current Cash & Cash Equivalents (SSB/T-bills): S$37, 000
(*All figures are accurate as of 29 September 2023)
Portfolio Actions in Q4 2023:
Accumulated more Sheng Siong at S$1.54 and S$1.56
Accumulated more DBS at S$31.80 and S$32.60 ..read more
Dividend Tech Warrior
1y ago
Equity Portfolio Cost: S$559, 160
Equity Portfolio Market Value: S$704, 902
Equity Portfolio Unrealised Profit: +S$145, 742 (+26.1%)
Portfolio XIRR (9M 2023): -7.6% (inclusive of dividends)
Dividends Collected (9M 2023): S$33, 201 (+18.7% yoy)
Total Cumulative Dividends (2010 - 9M 2023): S$274, 707
Current Cash & Cash Equivalents (SSB/T-bills): S$43, 000
(*All figures are accurate as of 30 September 2023)
Portfolio Actions in Q3 2023:
Initiated a position on Sheng Siong at S$1.50
Accumulated more UOB at S$27.95
How I Prepare ..read more
Dividend Tech Warrior
1y ago
(Total cumulative dividends: S$263, 709)
Portfolio Cost: S$556, 740
Portfolio Market Value: S$713, 536
Portfolio Overall Unrealized Profit: +S$156, 796 (+28.16%)
Portfolio XIRR (1H 2023): -3.7% (inclusive of dividends)
Dividends Collected (1H 2023): S$22, 203 (+35.1% yoy)
Total Cumulative Dividends (2010 - 1H 2023): S$263, 709
Current Cash Warchest: S$21, 470
(*All figures are accurate as of 30 June 2023)
Portfolio Actions in Q2 2023:
Full divestment of Nvidia at +37.8 gain
Full divestment of Microsoft at +27.1% gain
Full divestmen ..read more
Dividend Tech Warrior
2y ago
(Total cumulative dividends: S$249, 321)
Portfolio Cost: S$589, 075
Portfolio Market Value: S$740, 355
Portfolio Overall Unrealized Profit: +S$151, 280 (+25.68%)
Portfolio XIRR (Q1 2023): +12.14% (inclusive of dividends)
Dividends Collected (Q1 2023): S$7, 814
Total Cumulative Dividends (2010 - Q1 2023): S$249, 321
Current Cash Warchest: S$36, 723
(*All figures are accurate as of 31 Mar 2023)
Portfolio Actions in Q1 2023:
Accumulated OCBC at S$12.30
Accumulated UOB at S$28.90
Accumulated Mapletree Industrial Trust at S$2.33
Long-Term Compo ..read more
Dividend Tech Warrior
2y ago
Build A Foundation and Compound It
The average Joe on the street has been affected by escalating inflation since early 2022. Even those people who have supposedly achieved FIRE are starting to struggle with expenses because their passive income could not keep up with inflation. We are facing a cost of living crisis across the world. It is during periods like this that I am glad I have built a substantial dividend portfolio. The growing cash flow from my portfolio enables me to improve my quality of life, gradually. 13 years ago when I started my investing journey, my strategy was scoff ..read more
Dividend Tech Warrior
2y ago
(Total cumulative dividends: S$241, 507)
Top 12 Core Holdings (30 Dec 2022)
Portfolio Cost: S$547, 093
Portfolio Market Value: S$679, 301
Portfolio Overall Unrealized Profit: +S$132, 208 (+24.17%)
Portfolio XIRR (FY2022): -13.06% (inclusive of dividends)
Dividends Collected (FY2022): S$34, 712 + US$61
Total Cumulative Dividends (2010-2022): S$241, 507
Current Cash Warchest: S$17, 000
(*All figures are accurate as of 30 Dec 2022)
Portfolio Actions in Q3 2022:
- Accumulated more Baba (9988) at HK$83
- Accumulated more Apple at US$130 ..read more