Illinois CPA Society
Established in 1903, the Illinois CPA Society stands as one of the nation's largest state CPA societies, boasting over 21,700 members. Serving as a vital ally in professional success, they offer tailored education, timely information, impactful advocacy, and numerous networking opportunities, empowering members to thrive in their careers.
Illinois CPA Society
1w ago
Bringing Value to Your Organization as a Financial Partner To advance the overall organization, the finance function must serve as a valuable partner. Here are a couple ways to support this endeavor more
Illinois CPA Society
1w ago
Essential Fraud-Fighting Strategies That Promote Ethics and Trust With these proper controls in place, your organization can prevent, detect, and reduce fraudulent activities more
Illinois CPA Society
1w ago
Build Your Leadership on a Strong Personal Foundation Your capacity for growth as a leader requires a strong foundation—start building it by answering these four questions more
Illinois CPA Society
1w ago
Navigating the Path to Audit and Attest Quality Management Four new standards will soon require firms to take a risk-based and scalable approach to designing, implementing, and operating a system of quality management. Here’s some guidance to get you started more
Illinois CPA Society
1w ago
Why Don’t Young Professionals Want to Be CPA Firm Partners? If we can get the next generation to look beyond the oft-noted negatives of the partner role, they’ll see a brighter, positive narrative awaiting them more
Illinois CPA Society
1w ago
3 Investing Strategies for the ‘Peak 65 Zone’ A growing segment of the population will be turning 65 this year, forcing financial advisors to rethink their clients’ retirement investment strategies—here are three to consider more
Illinois CPA Society
1w ago
IN PLAY: Jeffery Mowery, CPA, JD, LLM, CFP As one of the nation’s top 200 CPAs, this firm leader says his success is the direct result of building a strong, talented team more
Illinois CPA Society
1w ago
GEN NEXT: Embrace Risk: Pursue Opportunities Tied to Your Passions Along your career journey, the people you meet and opportunities you pursue will define your impact—make sure they align with your passions more
Illinois CPA Society
1w ago
Telling Our Story Beyond the Numbers and Balance Sheets The accounting profession has a branding problem—fixing it will require a collective voice to showcase all the good it has to offer future-driven professionals more
Illinois CPA Society
1M ago
‘Discover’ Where to Start With AI When it comes to implementing artificial intelligence (AI) in your accounting practice, the practical first step should be an AI discovery process. Here’s how CPA firms can get started before the next tax season more