A Year of Reading
Two teachers who read a lot and share their experiences. Franki is a third grade teacher. Mary Lee is a fifth grade teacher.
A Year of Reading
3y ago
You can read my post here. Just so you know, pretty soon all of our new content will be over at A(nother) Year of Reading. But no worries. All of the archives will remain here ..read more
A Year of Reading
3y ago
Three tries, three very different poems.
life was art
no order
perplexing harmonies
I was left feeling dizzy
the thing was
I had imagined something
and bumpy
the poetry is timeless
who questions this?
no one
How much is "enough time?"
We hope for enough time, knowing there is never enough time.
Except, maybe, in poems -- in writing them and reading them,
far inside them where we lose account of minutes.
Except, maybe, in photographs,
where time sleeps but doesn't close its eyes.
Back in 2012, I subscribed for a year ..read more
A Year of Reading
3y ago
image via Unsplash
Now That Juneteenth is a National Holiday
We pause
in honor of Liberty, Hope,
and Resiliency.
We pause
with clear-eyed acknowledgement of slavery's role
in building the economic foundation of our country
We pause
to consider a better way forward
for our not always glorious national history
We must not
co-opt this celebration with white commercialism
We must not
let this celebration undermine the right to protest
We must not
allow this celebration to eliminate the ongoing work of justice
©Mary Lee Hahn, 2021 (draft)
As I read through different ver ..read more
A Year of Reading
3y ago
Texts for this Text Set have been posted daily on Instagram.
Follow @TextSets there to get daily updates!
Summer is a great time to catch up on reading new books. I always use this time to think about which new books might be must-haves for the classroom. This week I'm sharing some new middle grade novels that might make good read alouds, great choices for book clubs and great additions to classroom libraries. These are some of my favorite new middle grade must-reads!
Starfish by Lisa Fipps
Quintessence by Jess Redman
When You Trap a Tiger by Tae Keller
The Sea in Winter b ..read more
A Year of Reading
3y ago
Learning Arabic
is more than just driving on the left in England.
It's driving on the left
with no cognates on the map,
an alphabet consisting of small bits of flowering vine,
and luckily a lay-by
where you abandon the car and the map
taking a path instead
walking like a botanist, field guide in hand,
poring over every blossom, every curving leaf,
breathless when you begin to find meaning
in this brand new ancient world.
©Mary Lee Hahn, 2021
Yes, I'm learning Arabic with the DuoLingo app. Why? Because it's beautiful, it's hard, and my friend speaks it.
I didn't think this would ..read more
A Year of Reading
3y ago
It's that time again. Six months have passed since last we queued up to host the Poetry Friday roundups.
If you'd like to host a roundup between July and December 2021, leave your choice(s) of date(s) in the comments. I'll update regularly to make it easier to see which dates have been claimed.
What is the Poetry Friday roundup? A gathering of links to posts featuring original or shared poems, or reviews of poetry books. A carnival of poetry posts. Here is an explanation that Rene LaTulippe shared on her blog, No Water River, and here is an article Susan Thomsen wrote for the Poe ..read more
A Year of Reading
3y ago
Hair Twins
by Raakhee Mirchandani
illustrated by Holly Hatam
Little, Brown and Company, 2021
review copy provided by the publisher (thanks!)
From the author's note:
"This story is a window into my family and our tradition, one that started over five hundred years ago in Punjab and that we are proud to maintain and make our own here in America."
This is also a story about love -- the love of a father and daughter that centers around hair and culture, ancient traditions and insider jokes ("hair cheers" and "hip cheers"). For readers looking in through the window ..read more
A Year of Reading
3y ago
image via Unsplash
Ways to Reappear
In the dawn
Down a path
Through tall pines
Come to
With a grin
In a flash
Down to earth
In a spotlight
In a shadow
Without a plan
Without speaking
On your porch
On your threshold
In the garden
In the pool
In a library
In the corner
In the background
Come out
On a limb
At a moment's notice
In envelopes
In secret
Without words
Without a doubt
Seeking identity
Through dense fog
Down this path
In the dawn
©Mary Lee Hahn, 2021
after Ways to Disappear by Camille Rankine
"Ways to Disappear" was the Poem a Day from Poets.org on Wednesday ..read more
A Year of Reading
3y ago
Texts for this Text Set have been posted daily on Instagram.
Follow @TextSets there to get daily updates!
This week, I'll be sharing some professional books I am excited to dig into this summer. It's been such a great year for professional books and I am looking forward to time in the summer to really spend time with some of the newest professional books I've discovered. Summer is such a great time to relax, refresh and renew our teaching energy. Professional books always help me with that and summer is my favorite time to dig into these.
I read En Comuni ..read more
A Year of Reading
3y ago
Dear Poetry Friday Peeps,
I feel like there has been a wrinkle in time, and I am right back where I was last week.
A week ago, I had completed a rigorous day-by-day to-do list that culminated in packing for a weekend away at a Casting for Recovery alumni reunion. On Thursday evening, I ignored Franki's "How are you feeling?" text and crashed. I will finish my Poetry Friday post in the morning, I told myself.
But you all had other plans for Friday, didn't you? ? ?
There are no words to describe what the gift of your words means to me. I've said "Gobsmacked" on more than on ..read more