DoDLive - Department of Defense Blog
The Department of Defense Social Media team was created to facilitate DoD's participation in online and social media communications. Our team manages a number of platforms, including this blog, that enable commands and organizations
throughout the services and DoD to provide information about their missions and activities to service members.
DoDLive - Department of Defense Blog
5y ago
Military families at Camp Pendleton got to celebrate the holiday season at a life-size gingerbread village filled with activities ..read more
DoDLive - Department of Defense Blog
5y ago
Black Hawks, Chinooks, Lakotas, Apaches - it’s pretty clear that U.S. Army helicopters are named after Native American tribes & figures. Here’s how that tradition came about ..read more
DoDLive - Department of Defense Blog
5y ago
The Defense Logistics Agency's mission goes well beyond what most people know, including commodities, energy sources and many other things ..read more
DoDLive - Department of Defense Blog
5y ago
USO shows are always something special to watch. Here are some of the great moments from the 2019 Backstage at the USO show in Washington, D.C ..read more
DoDLive - Department of Defense Blog
5y ago
It's been three-quarters of a century since the Navy submarine USS Grayback sank in the Pacific Ocean during World War II. It's finally been discovered, giving the family members of its 80 lost sailors some closure ..read more
DoDLive - Department of Defense Blog
5y ago
Do you have a good idea that can elevate the DOD's thinking about insider threats and how we respond to and counter them? Join this essay contest ..read more
DoDLive - Department of Defense Blog
5y ago
Sgt. Yeager saved numerous lives in combat. After surviving an explosion that took his handler’s life, he’s now enjoying retirement and getting all the recognition he deserves ..read more
DoDLive - Department of Defense Blog
5y ago
As the nation honored Operation Market Garden veterans on the 75th anniversary of that World War II campaign, vets who were present for it shared memories of their long-ago service ..read more
DoDLive - Department of Defense Blog
5y ago
For Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, a U.S. airman pens a letter to her younger brother, who took his own life earlier this year ..read more
DoDLive - Department of Defense Blog
5y ago
Four retired military working dogs were honored on Capitol Hill with the K-9 Medal of Courage for their outstanding work overseas and here at home. Meet Troll, Sgt. Yeager, Emmie and Niko ..read more