Will You Switch Off?
Career Psychologist | Headstuck Blog
by Rob Archer
3y ago
I was lucky enough this summer amidst the challenges with travel, to get away to Croatia with my family. After such a long period of not getting away I felt like I may have forgotten how to switch off and how to actually ‘holiday’. Day one; venturing down to the pool with my book and all of the wonderful paraphernalia that is taken for a day such as this. The sun was shining, the water was warm and after a short while in the pool with my son I felt a pang of something……. and then a thought entered my head that I needed to check my phone…….like a strong magnetic pull…. I went into system one* t ..read more
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Staying Afloat
Career Psychologist | Headstuck Blog
by Rob Archer
3y ago
What to do when feeling emotionally “all at sea” When we get overwhelmed with distressing emotions or unwanted thoughts it’s a bit like being brought out to sea by a strong current into the middle of the ocean. If we don’t know what to do we can feel tired, frightened, exhausted and alone. Our mind might be telling us there’s no way back, our breathing can get faster and as we struggle to stay afloat by treading water or trying to swim against the current, it can feel exhausting and terrifying. Sometimes our mind might even tell us that drowning might be a good way to relieve our distress. One ..read more
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Build your own resilience toolkit
Career Psychologist | Headstuck Blog
by Rob Archer
4y ago
The human brain can be great at ignoring or forgetting what we have done well, and focusing on our mistakes, errors or ‘areas for development’. By building our own Resilience toolkit we can help to balance this out – bringing more of your skills in to view. How does it work? You begin by looking back through emails/texts/certificates etc and finding evidence of things you have done well. This could be a simple email from a colleague thanking you for your time or a good appraisal or even a piece of work that you are particularly proud of. You can either print these off and keep them in a ..read more
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Top tips to supercharge your interview performance
Career Psychologist | Headstuck Blog
by Rob Archer
4y ago
Great news… Our fantastic FREE Interview Skills eBook has been released. It’s packed full of ways to prepare for your next big interview with confidence, top tips and psychological science. Make sure you approach your next interview cool, calm and collected with our free guide. You won’t want to miss it. Download a copy here: Interview Skills eBook This is a completely free resource, so please share and help us to reach as many people as possible ..read more
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New eBook: Thriving In Uncertainty
Career Psychologist | Headstuck Blog
by Rob Archer
4y ago
We’re happy to announce the launch of our new e-book, Thriving in Uncertainty: How to Make Good Decisions, Adapt Quickly and Navigate Forwards in Uncertain Times. This short guide is filled with links to free tools and resources designed to help you understand the two key issues when it comes to thriving in uncertainty: How to make effective decisions even when outcomes are hard to predict How to deal with the negative emotions (like stress and anxiety) that come with uncertainty We have also included ideas for further reading, TED talks that illustrate key points as well ..read more
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“Counting sheep” revisited: Could career coaching improve your sleep?
Career Psychologist | Headstuck Blog
by Rob Archer
4y ago
I sometimes find it difficult to sleep – every once in a while my mind is too preoccupied, or I’m too hot or too cold, or it’s a full moon or I’ve been binge-watching Netflix, or for no particularly obvious reason I just can’t sleep. I know the Sleep Hygiene drill pretty well, like most of us do – no screens, no bright lights, no caffeine, no alcohol, not too hot, not too cold, etc, etc. I also tried “Counting Sheep”, the classic distraction technique that involves closing your eyes and imagining a non-stop line of identical sheep hopping over a fence. As I tried to count every sheep jumping o ..read more
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Being Positive is Overrated!
Career Psychologist | Headstuck Blog
by Rob Archer
4y ago
  This is perhaps a controversial thing to say, but hear us out… Being positive is a great and important thing.  But as with many things in life, we need to be careful about how we define the word ‘positive’ and how we use the idea in practice. Let us explain… One of the worst things we can do is define being positive as feeling positive or feeling like we need to feel positive thoughts and emotions. Our thoughts and feelings are beyond our control. Unfortunately for human beings how we feel is…how we feel. Therefore, if you are having a sense of sadness at current events, of grief o ..read more
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Goals vs Values in a Career Change
Career Psychologist | Headstuck Blog
by Rob Archer
4y ago
When committing to a career change it’s useful to distinguish between values and goals because they have different motivational properties. Goals can be met.  This is why they motivate – we enjoy the feeling of purpose and progress they bring.  Yet, once the goal is achieved what then?  Very often we revert to our previous behaviour.  This explains the diet industry.  And why it is so hard to get a taxi in New York in the rain*. Goals can’t be achieved right now.  So they can be bad at motivating right now.  Which is kind of when I need it.  For example ..read more
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Why Am I So Stuck?
Career Psychologist | Headstuck Blog
by Rob Archer
4y ago
How Behaviour Analysis Can Help With Stuck Patterns….  And Get Us Unstuck More Quickly Many of our career coaching clients are drawn towards ACT because of its focus on values and connecting to what matters. However, some are surprised to learn of its roots in behaviour analysis.  Isn’t that something to do with salivating dogs?  Yes, and it is a simple way of understanding human behaviour, especially the roots of ‘stuck’ patterns of behaviour. Here’s the 5 minute guide… The key insight from behaviour analysis: If an event (Antecedent) leads to a Behaviour whose immediate Conseq ..read more
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A Guide to Lockdown for Other Parents, from a True Parenting Expert
Career Psychologist | Headstuck Blog
by Rob Archer
5y ago
Anyone who knows me or my children will know that I am both a relationship and parenting expert. For example, before I proposed to my wife I romantically listed all of my imperfections (which took a while), and only this morning I dealt with my two-year old’s tantrum by swearing at the top of my voice and then storming out of the room.  I’m available for paid consultancy. However I am a reasonably enthusiastic consumer of parenting strategies and have lots of clients who are asking for ideas to help deal with the pressure of lockdown. So here are some ideas which I like, even if the imple ..read more
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