Take sustainability serious in healthcare to avoid harming future patients!
Philosophical Blog by Christian Munthe
4y ago
  In a brand new blog post at the BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics blog, me, Davide Fumagalli and Erik Malmqvist write about a severe ethical challenge for healthcare systems that arises due to structural deficiencies in established systems for healthcare resource allocation:   Most countries with publicly funded healthcare systems have ethically informed priority setting schemes to decide how to allocate scarce resources. Established principles in such schemes recognise patients’ need of care, the effects of interventions, and background requirements of equal consideration and ..read more
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So, I'm officially a published fiction writer (in Swedish)
Philosophical Blog by Christian Munthe
4y ago
  Not new to publishing books, or chapters in books, in my professional academic role, it nevertheless gives me immense pleasure to announce my official debute as a published fiction writer. Just as with my activity in music, this is an artistic expression I have been engaging with since my youth, on and off. The last ten years, I have returned to it with more concentration, and found a form I feel works well in the genre of short stories and novellas (or long short stories).  Last year, I submitted one short story entitled "Memoir" (that's "Memoar" in Swedish) to a competition orga ..read more
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Ethics Briefing for Covid19 Policy: Interesting Experience in Germany and a Plea for the Swedish Context
Philosophical Blog by Christian Munthe
4y ago
As the Covid19 pandemic continues to sweep the world, states are struggling to shape policies according to their epidemiological situation, resources and political possibilities. It is very obvious that all this policy-making has far-reaching ethical implications on many levels. It regards the identification of relevant values, the balancing of these in cases of conflicts, the pragmatics of implementing "ideal" solutions in a non-ideal world, and the normative aspect of deciding how competing institutional "rules" or "guidelines" for balancing values and implementing the outcome may be trad ..read more
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New Swedish Guidelines for ICU Priority Setting in Exceptional Circumstances
Philosophical Blog by Christian Munthe
4y ago
During the last two weeks, I have, together with a bunch of philosophy and bioethics colleagues specialised on these kinds of questions not only in theiory but also in practice, contributed to a speedy development of of new central guidelines on ICU priority setting and resource allocation from the National Board of Health and Welfare (one of the central governing authorities of the Swedish healthcare system). The guidelines address exceptional circumstances, such as an unusual high pressure of cases that exceeds normal capacity, and are, of course, prompted by the Covid19 pandemic. Lars San ..read more
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Longstanding Conscientious Refusal Assault to Undermine Swedish Abortion Policy Ended by European Court.
Philosophical Blog by Christian Munthe
4y ago
Ellinor Grimmark, one of the midwifes For a number of years, two openly pro-life Swedish midwifes have been fronting for radical conservative US activist Christian organization Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), to run a legal case against Swedish County Councils (that run the publicly funded healthcare system) in order to invalidate the Swedish model for freedom of conscience and conscientious objection in healthcare. In particular, the assault has been focused on the strong pro choice abortion legislation in Sweden, as both cases have been about trying to establish health professionals' (he ..read more
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The Red Baron: Outline of A Conservatism for the Political Left
Philosophical Blog by Christian Munthe
4y ago
   Introduction "A spectre is haunting Europe—the spectre of" conservatism.  As it does the Americas, and Russia, and Turkey, and India, I may add. Throughout the world, more or less imperfect (semi)democracies find the voter support drifting from the (neo/social) liberal democratic hegemony of past decades, making the mock citation of Marx's and Engels' Communist Manifesto, ring truer today than the original statement regarding communism did in 1847. Most importantly, large segments of the working and middle class now seems to be swayed by conservative messages about King and Country and ..read more
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An Improved Model Definition of Antisemitism
Philosophical Blog by Christian Munthe
5y ago
1. The need for a clear definition of "antisemitism" A few years back, I blogged about the savvy tactic of the Netanyahu government to accuse virtually all criticism of the Israel occupation policy as antisemitic. Since then, more complex disputes have evolved at higher levels, not least the debate and controversy around antisemitism within the Corbyn led Labour party in the UK. Also in my own country, the thorny issue of how to draw the line between legitimate (not meaning necessarily sound) criticism of decisions made by the government of Israel and judgements that deny jewish people e ..read more
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